Imaginary Boyfriend

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This is not a typical love story. This not even my love story. I just thought about this story in the middle of working, I immediately write this one while the idea is fresh in my mind.


Yna and John were a complete stranger to each other. They don't even know each other personally but they are connected in hearts. John is Yna's boyfriend. She always talks about him with pride and love."He's the most perfect guy that walked on earth," Yna would tell her friends. Every girl envies Yna because of having a perfect boyfriend. All of Yna's friends had suffered a heartbreak so they all wished to meet another "John".

 But Yna and John's relationship is unusual because no one ever sees John yet. Everybody knows him just because of Yna's stories and the flowers John sent to Yna. According to Yna, John is working abroad and they seldom see each other, only during important occasions. But she said that they talked on the phone every day. Waking up in the morning with each other's voice and going to sleep at night with a sweet goodnight wish from each other. 

But when Yna is alone, after the long talks with her friends, again about John, she felt sorry for herself. Why not? Everybody envy her yet she pitied herself. John is so perfect because she perfectly created John in her mind. Yes, John exists only in her imagination.John is her "imaginary" boyfriend. At first, she made John to get rid of her suitors. She's so afraid to love and be hurt.

Another reason is because she had once a best friend who died because of loving too much. But later on, she enjoy the idea of being envied not pitied in the eyes of her friends and everybody around her. She's contented with her life, with her "boyfriend" John.  But not until that day, that she saw John in flesh.

It was a sunny day. After Yna's class, she and her friends decided to go shopping. When they went out of their school, a guy just came to her, kiss her and lead her to his car. To her surprised, she can't talk or even do something. Then the guy told her friends,

"Hi..I'm John, Yna's boyfriend. I hope you don't mind, is it okay if I go with you?".

All of Yna's friends can't speak because of shock.

Then after a few seconds one of her friends burst in laughter then said,

"You surprised us Yna..You never told us that John will be here."

Yna was about to say something but John said,

"Oh, don't worry, she's also surprised like you..I never told her that I'm coming."

And he hugged her while saying,

"Did you miss me?".

Yna just stared at John, she can't say anything, cause John really looks like her imaginary boyfriend. She imagined John like this guy. The face, the nose and the lips.Even the feel of his arms around her.Although she knew that it's wrong to feel that way, she felt that the guy is really John, his boyfriend.

The whole time of shopping, she never confronted the guy, she goes with the flow, they talked like they knew each other for a long time. She didn't even notice how she laughs with his joke and how she easily felt the easiness with his presence. 

After their shopping, while she's back in her room. She can't believe herself for the way she reacted on the events. The guy took advantage of her and she just let him! But she can't understand, is it just her dream, she thought. She was so tired and overwhelmed by all the things that happened that day, she told herself that maybe tomorrow, things will be different.

The next day, she woke up with the sound of her ringing phone. When she answered a familiar voice told her, "Hi sleeping beauty..wake up now and I'll pick you up after an hour. I'm in vacation from my work, so I can drive you to school. I love you. Bye!". It's John! " I still dreaming?", she asked herself. She can't move for a moment and after a while. She decided to face everything. It's time for her to confront that guy.

But when John came, she can't have a chance to talk. The days passed, John is always there for her. He played the part of her boyfriend and she just let him. She told herself that maybe he's God's gift to her. That it's time for her to accept love. They were always happy. Their relationship is as perfect as what she created in her mind when John was just his "imaginary" boyfriend. It's perfect...almost perfect....if only truths can't hurt that much.

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