Minecraft: The Novel

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Minecraft: The Novel


To start with, this story has only happened on Minecraft Pocket Edition, so please don't expect me to mention complicated stuff like potions because they aren't in the recent update. However, I've heard that Mojang may be adding new things such as ocelots, mooshrooms etc. in the next update, so I'll include that too.

Once upon a time,

I spawned in the middle of a huge desert, full of sharp cacti. I had planned to look for a cave house and a stock full of weapons, however, with just about 6 minutes left until dusk, I was a bit concerned of how many trees there were on the actual world, so I planned on having an adventure. I dodged the cacti that were in my way and saw a huge mountain covered in trees, so I thought that it would be an ideal area to gather wood. With night approaching, I reckoned I had just enough wood to make a chest, two swords, and a pickaxe. Now all I had to do is to find a satisfactory home to live in and maybe have my lunch to pass time by...

Day two had now come in a surprise, as I found that the front of my cave had turned into a crater. I looked around and saw about 3 or 4 creepers hunting for their breakfast- so obviously it was them! Now I decided to gather more wood for more weapons like pickaxes. I set of cautiously and found some trees, I got enough wood to make the floors for my cave house and enough sticks and wood for some weapons. I started expanding my cave as soon as I got back and I found some coal ( which I can craft for torches), with this in mind, I made a doorway and started mining. With surprise, I found some iron ore in no time, so I switched to my stone pickaxe and went to my furnace and made it into iron ingots, yay!

Day three came and I had just finished eating my dinner and I thought, "I'll need a bed and some food, won't I?" So I set of to get some sheep and I found one on my doorstep! I used sheers to get the wool and I got 3 , I also had some wood too, so I made a bed and placed it comfortably in the corner of my cave house. I now went and looked for cows, chickens, and pigs. Once I got enough food for emergencies, I went back home and drifted to sleep...

When I woke up on the fourth day, I saw a cute baby cow wondering in my house! I chuckled to myself and thought for a second,"What if I breaded them??" So I got some wheat ( you can get it when you grow seeds)and made another cow follow me into my lovely house, and I made the two cows have a baby! I can't believe within about 45 minutes of my own time, I could have a world that I could not ever have dreamed about!


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