Mark x Reader (NCT Dream/U/127)

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The other day my friend and I were talking about the possibility of numerous dimensions existing and I suddenly got inspired to write this. I apologize to everyone for not updating in a very long time. After several months of chaos, I am finally back. (This one-shot is really long btw, sorry about that.)

There was no way you could describe your love for NCT. The way you devoted your time and heart towards their music was simply indescribable. All of the members were simply amazing in a way where you simply could not choose your bias. However, Mark always had a way to find himself in a very special place in your heart. Although he did not know you existed, you were determined to go to every fan meeting and concert.

Yes, many people told you that loving an idol was simply a one-sided love, that it would not work out, and that you should start going back to the real world. However, there was really no possible way where you could stop adoring him in such a special way. He was your bias, your ideal type, and the idol you would admire for the rest of your life.

You had always been a very smart and brilliant girl. During your school days, you were loved by everyone. Years passed by, and soon, you were in your second year of college.

One time, as you walked into your college dorm, you spotted a very intricately decorated mirror. Not once had you seen it before in your life. But all of a sudden, it became the mirror that always hung in your room. Your roommate had left the country for a week to visit her family. Therefore, you could not really ask her if she had bought that mirror.

Every morning when you took a look at your self in the mirror, you could not help but notice a weird light. It seemed to shine brighter and brighter every morning, until one day, the mirror simply shattered into pieces. At that time, you were brushing your teeth when all of a sudden your vision turned black.

The next time you gained consciousness, you woke up in the hospital. There was a person laying down next to you, with their head resting on your lap. He held your hand tight, and slowly woke up as you began groaning from a sudden headache.

As soon as he opened his eyes to see yours staring at his, he held you tight in his arms. However, the moment was broken when the doctor stormed into the room.

You noticed that the young boy looked very familiar. Actually, he looked way too familiar for you to not recognise him. However, there was some headache in the back of your head that formed overtime you wondered about the identity of this young man.

The doctor told you that you had fainted from an unknown reason. However, he did not forget to mention that the young man next to you had desperately brought you to the hospital a few days ago. He also mentioned that you were not injured in any sort of way. Therefore, you were free to leave that very afternoon after doing a few tests to make sure you were alright.

As soon as the doctor left the room, you were left alone with the young boy who apparently, had been sticking next to you since the moment you were dragged unconscious to the emergency room.

"I'm glad you're alright (Y/N). I don't know what I would have done if you were to stay unconscious any longer." The young man whispered very gentle words while staring at you. You could not manage to make eye contact with him, because after all, there was no way you could possibly deny that he was gorgeous.

"I know that college applications are taking a lot of your time, but I don't want you to faint again due to exhaustion and lack of sleep. Take care from now on, okay? I don't want to lose my best friend." The boy was almost in tears, when you suddenly recalled where you had previously seen him before.

The young man next to you, who claimed to be your best friend, was Mark, your favourite idol.

Your eyes widened in size from the shock of having your favourite idol next to you, however, confusion also clouded your mind. The last time you remembered seeing his face was at your college dorm, through a program named 'Weekly Idol'. The only moment when you had actually had any human contact with him was during a fan meeting in Seoul, Korea. However, all of a sudden he was next to you, claiming that your were his childhood friend and best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2017 ⏰

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