Chapter four ~ Supernatural

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June 24, 2014

The sound of laughter and the sweet melody of Metallica filled the air with the blend of alcohol, making for a lighter mood in the bunker. Cas, Dean, and Sam all sat around at one of the library tables, enjoying the feeling of their 'break'. The mystery monster, the fallen angels, and Metatron all seemed to be extinct at that moment. All problems seemed abandoned; it was a rare moment of peace where everything seemed to be good, and everyone was happy.

Dean relaxed further into his chair, while Sam slumped over with his elbows propped up on the table, and Cas sat up, spine ramrod straight. The sound of Dean and Sam's laughter filtered throughout the entire bunker, all while Cas sat and listened joyfully as they talked and laughed.

"See, this is just what we needed; a break," Dean said, smiling proudly, knowing that he was right.

"Yeah, yeah...wha-whatever." Sam slurred as he waved his brother's comment away and took another sip of his beer, clearly more intoxicated than his older brother.

"Hey, hey, hey. How many beers have you had now?" Dean asked, sitting examining his drunken brother.

"I don- I don't know... two... seven..?" Sam said, trailing off as a few hiccups escaped him.

"Okay, time for bed, Sammy," Dean commanded as he reached over to take Sammy's beer away. Dean pulled it from his loose grip and passed it over to Cas as he got up to take his brother to bed.

"No...stop...I-I'm not even tha' drunk," Sam said, trying to sound sober as possible as Dean helped him up and started to walk him over to his room.

"I'll be right back, Cas, I just need to put the moose down," Dean said, chuckling as he smiled to Cas before leading Sam out of the library.

Dean lead his drunken brother to his room and carefully threw him on his bed. He smiled and chuckled to himself as he watched his brother quickly pass out on his bed.

Dean walked back down the bunker's hallway, also a little tipsy. The older brother walked into the library to find Cas in the same spot where he left him.

"Cas, c'mon, lighten up, take that stick out your ass." He said, smiling as he watched the angel sit uncomfortably in his chair.

"Dean, there is not and has never been a 'stick up my ass,' as you say," Cas said, looking at Dean with his usual head tilt.

"It's a metaphor," Dean said, explaining as he walked back to his seat at the table, "It means to lighten up. Ya know, relax." Cas continued to stare at him, his dark blue eyes still confused at his explanation. Dean sighed and thought for a few minutes on how to make easier for his socially-awkward angel.

"Okay, Cas, I'm- I'm gonna teach to how to relax and your gonna thank me. Okay? Okay. The first step is to, well... relax, ya know, like this," Dean said, as he leaned farther into his chair, letting the tension leave his muscles. "Okay? Now you do it." He said, gesturing his hand at him. Cas sat for a few moments, thinking about what Dean was asking, before un-tensing his body and hesitantly leaning back into his chair.

"Very good. Step two, my personal favorite; beer. Here, have one." Dean said as he reached into the cooler next to the table and pulled out two beers, throwing one to Cas, who caught it and hesitantly opened it, taking a sip.

"There. You... just mastered how to relax." Dean said, laughing before he opened the second beer and took a swig.

"Yes, uh... thank you." Cas said, holding his beer out towards him. Dean smiled and acknowledged his thanks with a warm response before going back to take a sip of his own beer.

The time passed as Dean and Cas continued to drink, listening to what was now AC/DC playing in the background from an old radio they'd found earlier that week. Dean watched, amused, as the uptight angel started to grasp the feeling of relaxation as he was now more slumped in his chair and on his fourth beer now.

"I think I'm starting to feel something," Cas said abruptly. Dean raised an eyebrow before letting out a small chuckle.

"That... that's the feeling of happiness," Dean responded, smiling, now drunker than he'd been before.

"Oh, okay," Cas said, not fully understanding.

"Li-listen Cas, There's two- three things that make a man happy," Dean said, setting down his bottle. "Beer, women, and outer space." Dean listed, ticking them off on his fingers.

"Thank you, Dean. If I ever need to be happy, I'll just think about... space."

"Okay, so speaking of space, I'm gonna backtrack from a few... hou-hours ago about the conversation we had about... aliens, and space. I was wondering something, Cas? Are there other worlds, besides ours?"

"Well, from what I've been told by the other angels and what they've said about God, yes, other worlds do exist. God didn't just create our universe. There are other galaxies and cosmos, and from what you said earlier, yes, there is a chance that God created other species besides humanity, but that knowledge is more widespread within the Archangels." Cas explained before taking a giant swig of his beer. Dean sat, awestruck at Cas's possibly life-changing explanation.

"Awesome," Dean said, with a laugh. "So that means there's a chance of aliens."

"Uh... yes, I suppose you could say so."

"Which- which means..." Dean said, devilish smirk back in place, "There is an official chance that I could bang an alien."

Cas let out a short laugh, shaking his head at his best friend's drunken comment.

"Yes, Dean," he said, smiling, "I think there might be a chance."

"You... you said earlier that you would bang an... an alien, right?" he said, slurring his words.

"I said if the opportunity arose-" Cas began to correct him, but was cut off by Dean, again.

" would have sex with an... an alien, ha!" Dean exclaimed in his drunken stage, "You know, the thought of that is... priceless. An angel and an alien; sounds like a cheesy porno."

"I suppose it might." Cas agreed, nodding.

"Well, I'm hammed. And drunk. I-I think it's a good... good time for bed. G'night, Cas."

"Do you want me to take you to your bed?" Cas questioned.

"Nah! This isn't the first time I've passed out on this table," Dean said as he placed his beer down to the side and laid his head on his arms. "Goodnight... Cas."

"Goodnight, Dean," Cas said, smiling as he watched his best friend drift off to sleep.

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