Chapter 1~The beggining

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I woke up and looked around the room it was 8:31 on a Saturday Morning. Perfect time for my morning run while everyone was still asleep. I got up went into the bathroom brushed my teeth & changed into my running clothes. After putting on some shorts a tank top & throwing my messy curly hair into a bun.

I opened the window to the fire escape my favorite escape exit for my early runs. I then grabbed my Apple Watch my boyfriend bought me, before I climbed down the ladder. I put my headphones in & started my playlist. It was a cloudy-humid day with just enough wind blowing to keep it cool.

I started off jogging past my favorite café & corner store & cut into a alley. I jumped over the gate leading to an open field area under the huge bridge. I ran along the shore of the water stopping at the big boulder that dipped into the water. I leaned against it & looked around enjoying the scenery.

I loved this place it was where I did my best thinking. It was so peaceful & calm I could always come here to clear my head. I planned out most of my future from this exact spot. Sometimes I would even come here after school & do some work. I soon found myself instinctively checking the time.

The time read: 8:53am that meant I had exactly 9min to get back. So I took off towards the house going as fast as my legs could carry me. I felt loose curls whipping against my face in the wind I felt the tightness of my calves as I pushed myself hard. I jumped over the gate and ran past the cafe and corner store. I climbed up the old rusty fire escape.

As quickly an quietly as possible I ducked inside & closed the window behind me. I checked the time the clock read 8:59am. I praised myself quietly I made it back within 6 minutes that was a new record. Tomorrow I would try to beat that record. There's no better way to improve than by competing with yourself.

I took a quick shower & washed my hair. I changed into some jeans and a simple white crop top. Then I brushed my hair into a nice tight bun & used gorilla snot to slick my edges down. I over heard the steps creaking &  foot steps crossing a flood board. Sure enough there was a low knock at the bathroom door.

"One moment I'm almost finished" I stated as I quickly put my hair supplies up & grabbed my clothes off the floor. "Hurry up girl I have several clients to get too" my foster mother yelled. "Yes, I know sorry" I said as I opened the door & squeezed past her as she pushed past me to get into the bathroom slamming the door.

Is she always like this you may ask? Basically she has her good days once every year. I'm just thankful she's not in a bad mood. Checking the time again 9:45 so I quickly cross the hall & walk into my younger sisters room. " Wakie wakie my lovely siblings it's time for our trip" I sing song as I pull open the princess curtains.

Liya immediately hides under her blanket whining about the sunlight with no intention on getting up. Tiya on the other hand slowly gets out of bed smiling & stretching. They are twins but as you can see they are complete opposites. Their birthday just recently passed last weekend they turned 12.

"It's really getting old having to do this every morning with you Liya grow up" said Tiya. "Ha says the girl with princess everything give me a break it's a Saturday I should be sleeping in" said Liya still hiding under her blanket. "It's fine with me I enjoy dragging your lazy behind out of bed every morning" I said.

Liya groans & Tiya giggles as she makes her way out of her room to the bathroom on the first floor. "So what do you say easy way or hard way today Liya?" I said. "Do what you have to do. I refuse to get out of my bed until 12:30 maybe even 1:00 if I'm feeling hostile." Liya said.

I bust out laughing "Two things one you have to go to kickboxing today. Second can you even define the word hostile?" I said and waited patiently. After about 30 seconds of no response I walked up close to her bed. "Yeah, I didn't think so sweat pea." I grab her legs & swiftly yet gently yanked her towards me. Before she could collide with the floor she twisted around, grabbed the bed & pulled herself away from me.

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