an apology letter to pentaholics

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This is for the assignment to write a story with the following words:
Even, syndrome, tooth, twilight, pitch, publicity, treatment, criminal, paint, location, surface, fat, transform, traction, reveal, mistreat, white, guitar, attraction, and expose.

February 25th, 2019

Dear pentaholics;
I wasn’t ever going to write this down. I didnt ever want anyone to know, but now that the papers have begun to be exposed, and they’re making it seem like it was all some kind of sick publicity stunt(even though I tried my hardest to keep it all hidden…) I guess I’d better tell you all the real story…

I remember it like it was yesterday. I’d been taking a walk through the snow, just to clear my head. The sun bounced off of the snow, making it was so bright that I had to squint to see anything at all. Every possible surface was covered in white glittery snow, and as I trudged down the street, I felt myself twitch, and looking at all the white around me, I started painting it red in my mind. My breaths quickened, as all the snow slowly transformed into something else, something darker, something… Bad. But I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
I was quickly snapped out of my daze when my phone rang. But what I didn't realize, was that that was only the beginning of a horrifying road.

A few weeks later, after things like that had happened several more times, I had decided to talk to someone about it. Even though I was pretty nervous that something was seriously wrong with my head, I knew it was worth getting a professional opinion.

Well, long story short, it turned out, that I had something called “criminal and violence tendency attraction syndrome” which is basically a bunch of words that mean my brain was making me feel like I was living in a horror movie, which was scary as hell. At first I refused treatment, I thought it would go away on its own..
Boy was I wrong.

I knew I should tell the rest of the band, but I was really scared. I was scared to reveal that side of me, a side that no one had ever known. I had always been known as a kind, smart person who was good at advice and always had your back.
I didn't want that to change. I forced myself to believe that what I was doing was right, but now I know that it was definitely wrong. Horribly wrong. Besides, they found out anyways. And believe me, the way it happened was not pretty.

I should probably warn you, that what you're about to read, is kind of...dark. I'll never forgive myself for what happened that night. But, I can't erase the past. So...

It was sometime around January, pitch black outside.
Before that night, I'd already done some pretty messed up stuff, but this still was unexpected

Avi and I were roommates, and best friends. We had a lot of fun together. Sometimes I would try to teach him the basics of celloboxing, and he would help me learn a few guitar chords. We had a picture of us on our coffee table. A picture we had taken the first day we met, the day before our sing off audition. One of the best days of my life. He was like my brother. But my mental illness doesn't care about that. It doesn't care about my relationships. It doesn't care about what time it is, or my location. It strikes when it wants.

I was in our living room, watching American Idol and wondering how the hell they rejected Scott, when I heard footsteps downstairs, on the first or second floor of the apartment. “Probably Avi,” I told nobody in particular, reaching for more popcorn and watching the next sob story try to cry their way into the next round despite their very mediocre vocals. But to my surprise, something answered back. It was all in my head, of course. But it felt real. I heard Avi calling me. Well, not really calling, more like hissing. And then the hissing turned into laughter. Quiet, at first. And then louder, and louder, until my ears couldn't stand it. The laughter turned into screaming. The tv screen started glowing dark red. The room got unbearably hot, then freezing, then hot again. The windows were rattling. I saw shadows. My heart was beating, and I knew I had to kill whatever was out there. Then suddenly, the room went calm. The screaming stopped. The tv started playing normally. The windows were perfectly fine. But I wasn't. I wasn't fine. I wasn't calm.
I knew what I had to do.
I turned around, and saw a shadowy figure looking at me, worried, i didn’t know who he was, but in that moment I didn't care, I thought he was going to hurt Avi.
“Go away!” I yelled, and lunged at him, tackling him to the ground, I slammed the back of his head into the ground, as his top tooth pierced through his bottom lip, blood went everywhere as I slammed him into the floor over and over again. He tried to scream, as I tightened my hands around his neck, cutting off his air supply.

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