The Ice Wall

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(The second incarnation of the fandom school, assignment 1)

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(The second incarnation of the fandom school, assignment 1)

Kevin's POV

All my life I'd been told the same thing.

I'd been told that when I grew up I could do what I wanted and go where I wanted. Except passing the ice wall and exploring the world beyond it. On no conditions was I ever to go there. That was strictly forbidden. As children it had been hammered into our heads, that whatever was behind that wall was more dangerous than anything we could dream of. We had even taken oaths in school promising that we would never try to get into that terrifying world.

But despite all that here I was with Matt and Scott, sitting in my apartment a few miles away, watching the wall for hours through our telescopes. We were trying to figure out the patterns in which the wall was guarded. Trying to figure out how to pass it. How to get into that forbidden world.

“Wait,” said Scott, looking through the telescope. “They're marching again.” Every couple hours or so, a huge group of soldiers would march in front of the wall for twenty minutes

Matt checked his watch. “It's 1:35 AM.”

I wrote it on the schedule we had made, checking it for patterns. “So we already know they march every Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday at about 11:30 PM. Every 2 weeks they march at 1:15 AM on Thursdays, the rest of the time at 12: 45. They march around 12:10 AM on Saturday, and…” I looked over the schedule again. “Now we know they march every Wednesday at around 1:30.”

Scott looked away from his telescope and turned towards me. “So,” he said slowly, as if he almost didn't believe what he had just heard. “That covers the time from 11 PM to 2 AM. We've already figured out all the other times.”

I nodded, suddenly realizing what that meant.

“No way,” Matt said. “I think we've figured out their schedule.

“Yeah that's got to be it!” I said.

We all looked at each other excitedly. We’d been working on this for months and had finally figured out exactly what times they marched in front of the wall.

“I actually can't believe it you guys! This is awesome!” Scott exclaimed. “What about the other security?”

I flipped the pages of our notebook to the list of barriers between us and the unknown world.

“So apart from the soldiers marching there are security cameras everywhere, 2 huge towers with lights that turn on and flash if you get close to them, and an alarm system that goes off if you touch the wall.”

Scott looked over my shoulder at the list.

“So if we head straight over past the park to the part of the wall that's right between those two huge oak trees, that's the only place we can stay far away enough from the towers for them not to detect us. We know how to get over the wall without touching it, but how do we avoid the cameras? They're literally everywhere.”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2018 ⏰

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