Chapter 2

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Why does he always throw mixed signals at me? Do you like me or not Colby? I mean for God sake everyone else can see something that I guess we don't. Why did I even care I mean he was in a relationship and I wasn't one of those girls to go after someone who had someone even if I did want them. I refused to be like that because it's not right for either person to go through something like that.

I swear sometimes Colby and everyone else here could be a real live walking headache. His words were still ringing in my ears on repeat. "I could've just been confessing my love for you and you wouldn't have even known". Did he love me or have feelings for me or was he just saying that to prove that I don't always listen? I had too much on my mind and it felt like my head was going to explode from all of these different thoughts.

We were walking to Triple H's office in complete silence. I think it was too awkward to really say anything. Colby must've randomly stopped walking and I didn't notice until I basically ran him over. "Damn Sabrina it's like you're trying to kill me today or something. First, you try to kick me in the nether regions, then you punch me in my arm, and now you're trying to run me over.

What's next", Colby joked. "Well you wouldn't have almost gotten ran over if you'd move your slow ass", I said pushing him. "See now you're pushing me this is abuse", Colby said crossing his arms over his chest. "Jesus will you two get a room", my cousin Alexandra said walking out of Triple H's office while pulling her luggage with her. "Lexie are you just getting here", Colby and I asked at the same time.

Alexandra was about to answer when Aj came skipping by and hugged Lexie tightly. "Get off me April I'm not in the mood", Alexandra said pushing Aj off of her and smoothing out her outfit. Aj backed off and frowned and then said, "Lexie what's wrong you're usually always happy to see me". "I'm fucking pissed that's what wrong", Alexandra said. "Yeah I get that, but why", Aj asked concern coloring her tone.

"My time was just wasted by that fucker in there", Alexandra said pointing to the door of Triple H's office. "Do you wanna talk about it", I asked. "Not really because if it was up to me and I didn't think I'd be arrested I'd march back into that office and give him the ass beating that Phil should've gave that big nosed fucker before he left", Alexandra said crossing her arms over her chest. Colby blankly stared at Alexandra and then slowly backed away and then walked around her. "I'm just gonna go...I don't wanna be hurt by an angry female", Colby said.

Alexandra turned her deadly gaze towards Colby and the said, "Trust me, Seth, if I was gonna hit you I would've done it. Don't put a target on your head". "...alrighty then I'm just gonna go to Hunter's office...Sabrina, you coming", he asked looking at me. "Yeah I'll be there in a minute just gonna talk to the girls real quick", I said. "Suit yourself I'll just sit and wait for you", he said as he walked into Paul's office.

Once I heard the door click behind him I let out a sigh of relief and April and Lexie both looked at me strangely. "What's wrong did you piss off big nose too? Or does he want to you job to someone because it's "best for business" ", Alexandra asked mocking The Authority. "No I've just been stressed out basically all day and being around Colby isn't helping. Wait is that why you're mad", I asked.

"No that's not why I'm mad. He told me that since I was late that I couldn't compete tonight which I don't really care about because I don't work for this stupid place anymore anyway. Then to add insult to injury he said that I also can't go out there tonight with my dad to cheer him on because I might try and do something. Also, how can Seth be stressing you out when you two are inseparable", Alexandra asked confused. "Oh my god you don't know?

Lexie, you've been gone too long", April said. "No, it's not that it's called she doesn't answer her phone. Anyway I'm leaving tonight and I haven't told Colby yet", I explained. "I don't get what the big deal is. Aren't you just taking off a few months to rest up", Alexandra asked.

"That was the original plan, but when I truly sat down and thought about turned out that Phil was right and this place isn't fun anymore and so I didn't resign", I said. " haven't told him yet", Alexandra asked. "No", I answered in a low voice. "My god Sabrina you still haven't told him? Sabrina, didn't we just talk about this?

Remember it'd be better coming from you than for him to find out some other way. Must I bring up the nudes and how you felt about it again", Aj asked. As soon as the words came out of April's mouth Alexandra made a face like she was going to throw up. She then put a hand over her mouth, swallowed hard and then said, "Never speak of those pictures again. I never want to see and or think about those pictures again".

"How do you know about those", Aj and I both asked at the same time. "Kassandra sent me a picture Friday and got my phone taken away at school because of it", Alexandra explained. I thought that what Alexandra was doing was amazing as far as going back to school so that she'd have something to fall back on once her wrestling career was over. Hell, I'd even thought of doing that myself once I was done, but I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do. "That's disturbing, but Lexie you have your phone with you in your hands so I'm guessing the teacher gave it back to you", Aj said.

"Actually April this is my other phone that I use when I want to avoid other people. I was supposed to be getting my normal one back tomorrow, but since I thought I'd be making a cameo on Raw tomorrow I called off from school. Jon (Dean Ambrose) is probably gonna kill me he was texting me just before my phone was taken. Enough about me and my problems though...Sabrina are you in trouble with Paul", Alexandra asked. "No not that I know of...he only wants me in his office for a meeting", I said.

"Does Paul know about you leaving", Alexandra asked. "Well he's over talent relations now so...yeah", I said. Alexandra smacked herself upside the head and then said, "Well you're fucked. Paul is gonna tell and Seth is gonna freak out. Nice knowing you Rae I'll be at your funeral".

"Why are you going to be at her funeral? Is everything ok? Sabrina are you sick", Colby asked behind Alexandra. Aj's eyes got wide, Alexandra's started to twitch, and I closed mine tightly hoping that Colby hadn't heard anything that we were just talking about. "What have I told you about coming up behind me like that Seth", Alexandra shouted.

"Well excuse me Alexandra, but I had just heard you say that you'll be at my best friend's funeral. So as of right now, you can wait", Colby said. There he goes using that friend word again. I didn't know why, but lately, that word was really starting to hurt me whenever Colby said it. "Um, Colby how much of our conversation did you hear", I asked slowly opening my eyes again.

"Only the part about Alexandra talking about you and a funeral, why", he asked. "Just wondering", I said. "Um...ok well Paul actually wanted me to come out here and tell you to come and that he doesn't have all day", Colby said. "Ok, but Colby can I talk to you for a minute", I asked as I swallowed hard. "Sure, but it'll have to be later Paul is getting really impatient and wants you in his office now", Colby said.

"Ok", I said as I slowly walked over to Colby. "Hopefully what Lexie says doesn't happen and that you have time to tell him before it's too late", Aj whispered in my ear as I walked past her. "Just remember what I said you're fucked", Alexandra whispered as I walked by her. I gave them both a halfhearted smile and then walked over to Colby who grabbed my hand and started to drag me into Paul's office. Before we were fully through the door Alexandra slapped me hard on my bottom like football players would do to one another and said, "Put your best foot forward".

I bit my lip to suppress the scream that wanted to leave my throat and also squeezed Colby's hand because that hit really hurt. "Alexandra what the fuck is a matter with you", Colby said. "Lots of things see ya", she said as she blew a kiss in our direction. Before Colby could yell at her like he was going to she and Aj skipped off together and Colby and I walked into Paul's office. "Sabrina and Colby it's nice of you to finally join me.

Please have a seat I have some news for the both of you", he said. I swallowed hard as I took a seat fighting the stinging sensation from just being slapped by Alexandra and hoped to god that Paul could keep his mouth shut.

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