Oneshot Dylan

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Today the cast members of The Maze Runner have to do a quiz to see which character they really act like. We all got our papers and I was sitting beside Dylan on my left and Thomas on my right.

We started the quiz and I saw it was only 5 questions long. When I finished the last question I wrote my name and the date. I caught Dylan looking at my paper and I said, "Stop cheating Dylan!"

Dylan laughed and said, "I'm not, I saw a mistake on your paper." I gave him a puzzled look and said, "Really? Where?!" Dylan pointed at my name and I was even more confused. "Uh...what?" I said still not understanding what he is talking about. "It should say Y/N O'Brien." Said Dylan smirking.

My face turned red and Dylan laughed, "Tomorrow, 7 o clock pm, your house, I'm taking you out on a date. See you then!" Dylan got up and left me there shocked and smiling like an idiot. I can't wait for our date!

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