Alister Stella Grey

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"I feel as if I had opened a book and found roses of yesterday sweet and fragrant, between its leaves."
-L.M Montgomery

The first time I saw her I was taken aback, she was browsing through books that were old and stained in the shop where I worked. The way she moved was haunting, she seemed to glide gracefully over the Earth, as is she was better than it, or maybe the ground knew she was too good for the dirty floor and kept her above it. Her fingers grazed the back of each book lightly, her nails were long and burgundy, she would every so often pick a book up, flip through the pages, smile to herself and then put it in her stack on the floor, at this point she had seven books in it. Looking at her surrounded by the old dusty shelves and weathered floors, it was clear she was an outsider.
The vibrant copper of her hair contrasted almost too much with the dark and dingy shop, and her outfit was clearly out of place for our small town, she was wearing black head to toe, a black turtleneck with a black leather skirt and black tights, with unsurprisingly, black boots, and a long draping black sweater. All of the darkness in her outfit only made her pale freckled skin all the more evident. Her clothing seemed to be telling everyone else to stay away and not bother her, but it wasn't working on me, I couldn't look away, she was so different for this town, it was almost like an alien landed and began to explore the town.
She added two more books to her stack and nodded her head in satisfaction and bent down to pick them up, but she was clearly having trouble with the heavy books. I don't know why I walked over to help her, it wasn't like I was a five star employee, or that I even liked this job or people in general, but my body just moved towards her. Her back was facing me and she was crouched down on the ground attempting to pick the books up.
"Mam'n" I said, unfortunately it came off a little more shaky than I had originally planned, I blame my nerves. The fact that I had the balls to even approach her. My god.
She didn't jump at my voice, instead she stood up and turned around, I then realized how tall she was, only a couple inches shorter than me, and I think of myself as a tall guy. For a split second her eyes widened, but she quickly regained her composure and flashed me a big smile. Her face was lightly freckled, she didn't have a lot of makeup on, with the exception of a dark red lipstick.
"Yes?" She said just one word but the way her lips moved when said that word was incredible, they looked so soft and big.
"Would you like some help with those books? They look pretty heavy." She nodded her head in response and we both crouched down to pick up the books. I reached down to touch one, but she softly swatted my hand away.
"Uh uh" she shook her head, "this one is very old and the binding is fragile, I'll take this one. And I assume you can carry the rest right? I mean look at the size of those arms" She let out a soft laugh.
I cleared my throat to hide my embarrassment, and I began to look at the titles of the books I was picking up. Three of the books were in French, or a language close to it, and the rest were old literature, poetry books and old plays. I could and would never read this type of crap, but she looks like the type who would love it. I can picture her sitting in the back corner of some hip cafe and reading these, silently mouthing each word to herself and turning each page with care.
"So what is that book you are holding so close to you?" I asked, she was clutching the book against her chest tightly, almost hugging it. Her cheeks turned the faintest shade of red and she turned her face down to the side for a moment and looked back at me.
"It's a book of flowers, there's no other book like it, the author only made one copy. He hand-wrote and drew everything in here himself, it took him along time to finish it." She said while smiling down at the book. "But anyway come on little pack mule let's get me checked out" She began walking quickly to the front. So she's a little strange, okay she's more than a little strange, but I want to keep talking to her. She set her book delicately on the counter and began to dust herself off, her black attire was covered in a white powder from the old pages.
"So, are you new in town? I haven't seen you around before." I asked while checking the books out for her, knowing that when I was done our time together would end.
"Well yes, I moved in a few days ago, I was busy unpacking all of the dreary boring things, that I just had to take a day and explore the town. But I wouldn't worry about not seeing me around anymore" she glanced at my nametag "Luke, I think we will be seeing quite a bit of each other."  I could feel my face getting warm from that comment, when she noticed she laughed once again "I meant because this town is so small Luke."
    I chuckled nervously.
"Oh. Um of course, anyway Mam'n-" I was interrupted by scoffing.
"Luke dear please don't call me Mam'n you'll make me feel like an old hag, I'm only 25 after all. Call me Almyra please."
"Well okay, Almyra, your total is $57.19 today, do you need some help taking these to your car?" I usually never offer curbside service but I was too drawn to her at this point.
"No, but what if I propose something more interesting? I'll just take this book" she was referring to the book that she had treated like a new born baby. "And then you can deliver my books to my house later tonight. I walked here and don't want to make you carry them all the way to my house. Okay?"
     Going to her house? This was way against store policy but screw it, what kind of man would I be if I turned down the invitation of a woman like her.
"Sure just give me the address and I'll be there."
She clapped her hands together and smiled.
"Excellent! I live in the rock cottage house near the trails. Be there at 7:30, what you are wearing now is fine but do wear your hair down  for me please. Well see you tonight Luke, ciao." And on that note she flaunted out the doors and into the city, people were staring at her but she didn't seem to care.
    It was only 2 o'clock, I had several more hours till I would see her again. That seemed like a long time, I was excited to see her again, yes, but I was also anxious. My pulse had started racing ever since she left, I'm only guessing in anticipation to see her. I sound like a lovesick idiot, I'd only just met her, not even an hour ago, but here I was acting like a child. I blame my sense of adventure, I've been in this small town my whole life and it was beginning to turn dull in my eyes. She was, if nothing else, a bright shining patch in the landscape. I just don't know what to expect at her house, I mean she could just simply want the books delivered to her. And I'm probably a fool for thinking anything more of it. But here I am.
      Work went by painfully slow, but it was finally time for me to close up and get ready. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked okay.
"Do let your hair down for me please" I heard her words echo in my ears. Oh right. I struggled to pull my hair out of the bun it was in, I don't know why I started growing my hair out but I did. It wasn't creepy long, it was a respectable man bun length. My mom thinks I look like Thor, which she means as an insult but I mean come on? Have you seen the guy? That's a win in my book.
     I ran my fingers back in my hair to slick it back a bit, and threw on my jean jacket and started making my way to her house. Of course I knew where it was, I ride my bike along those trails all of the time, it's in a pretty forested area. In fact that house near the base of the trails is the last home before that forest. It's all alone up there. I'm honestly surprised a woman would even want to live alone up there, I mean shit there's bears, wolves, and I'm sure a bigfoot or two, if they exist. Great now I sound even more crazy.
    I pulled up in her driveway and I took a deep breath and shut my car off and got out. I walked up the steps to the house, the old wood make a soft creaking sound with every step, I went to knock on the door but it opened before I had the chance.
      "Ha! I knew you would be late." She said while smiling big at me.Once again I was struck by her, her hair looked so warm, like a winter fire and her skin was like the ice. After I got over being awestruck for a second I realized what she said.
    "You knew?" Her face stiffened for a moment, then she giggled.
"You seem the type dear Luke." Then she grabbed my arm and lightly pulled me in the house. Even though she grabbed my arm through my jacket I could feel her warmth, it was spreading up through my arm to my chest. Well that's not normal, I might be having a heart stroke. No that's not right, it doesn't hurt, it feels good actually.
   "I would give you a house tour but seeing as I just moved in, the house is in a bit of a mess at the moment. I of course have made the living room livable and the dining room dine-able. So don't worry about that, but don't get any ideas about the bedroom because that room is not ready yet." As she said the last part she gave me a wink. I instantly yanked my arm out of her hand, and instantly the warmth disappeared. She looked at me curiously.
   I cleared my throat.
"Not that I mind coming out here to give you your books, but why exactly did you invite me in here? I mean no offense but you don't know me, I mean I could be a serial murderer for all you know. It's not safe to invite strange men into your house like this."
       I don't get how she can be so trusting, I mean I would never do anything, but with the way she looks and her odd, almost scatterbrained mannerisms, I'm sure a lesser man would try to do something bad to her.
      "Oh Luke I knew you wouldn't do anything bad, you are intrinsically good, I'm an excellent judge of character, I've had lots of practice. And also I would feel like a terrible pain if I had you bring my books out here, and I didn't repay you with a simple meal. And also, and please don't think I'm crossing a line saying this, but I think we would make great friends, and since I'm new in town I figured why not try."
     Her way of thinking is terrible, but at home all I have waiting for me is some leftovers from a few days ago, and the next episode of Breaking Bad. So eating here with her would be the more enticing choice.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2018 ⏰

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