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Have you ever had a friend, bestfriend, or person that was close to you pass away? Well you're not alone. Almost everyone in this world young,old,small,or big has lost someone they've truly cared about. 

It was a cold day in the middle of December, there was some light snow on the ground and 'twas a quiet day at school. I walked into band class, grabbed my flute from my cubby and sat down and started playing Zeldas theme song. The band room door flew open and the herd of people ran in and the room was dull of music and talking and singing and gorgeous sounds. The conductor got our attention and it was time to start practicing for the upcoming winter concert. Half way into Carol of The Bells a girl walked in. I had never seen her before. She was blonde and wore those kandi bracelets that you used to give your bestfriend when you were like 5. Her name was Sarah. She was the new girl. She was assigned a seat by the teacher and sat there quietly and took out her clairnet. I grabbed her sheet music and we resumed playing. When the class period had reached an end she walked to me and asked me where her science class was located. I walked her to her class and we chatted the entire way there and we exchanged phone numbers. In my next class we texted and she asked to sit with me at lunch. I ofcourse said yes knowing that awkward feeling of being the new girl in a middle school considering that was me only the year before. Before I knew it the bell rang and it was lunch. We sat together and I introduced her to my friends. Sarah was such a kind person. Later that week on about her third day she put purple and blue in her hair. At the middle school we went to un-natural colors like pink or purple or even blue weren't that popular. She was bullied. ALOT. and when I say alot I mean alot. She was called a freak, ugly, weird, and all sorts of things. I found this quite odd considering my bright purple hair. But, I was never judged for it. The bullying continued all throughout her 8th grade year. Her and I became BEST FRIENDS. We were those girls that always talked, texted, and tried to hangout as much as possible. After the school year ended she had to move to Oregon with her dad. She wasn't too excitd considering all of her friends and mom and brother were in Washington. But she didn't have a choice to my knowledge. We kept in contact throught text messaging and facebook after that and we talked on December 3rd,2012. I talked to her about some problems I was having and she told me she had been kind of sad recently, life wasnt the same anymore. I wasn't sure if she was still being bullied or just missed Washinton. The next day I got a text message. Sarah commited suicide. She was 15 and a half when she died. I didn't really know how to feel when i first found out. I wondered if it was some sick joke. It took me until her mom posted on Facebook about it to actually beieve my best friend was POOF gone. forever. no coming back. This was the worst day of my life. Now its been about a year and a half and its still hard to deal with. But, just like anything else in life this too shall pass, and life will continue.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2014 ⏰

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