Chapter 01

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“So what should I call you then? Harry? Mr.Styles? Dr. Styles?” I asked the green eyed man, sitting across from me. He had the back of his black pen held to his lips, the large notepad with my name on it resting on his lap as he frowned at me, “You’ve never been to therapy before, have you?” He chuckled, the pen now pressing into his bottom lip as he stared at me in amusement. I shook my head slightly, adjusting myself on the large black couch in the middle of his office. “Alright then, well you can call me anything you’re comfortable with. I don’t mind, whatever rolls off you tongue the easiest, I guess.” He smirked, a deep dimple slicing into his left cheek.

“I think I’ll call you Harry then, you don’t seem old enough for me to call you Mr. or Dr.” I took in his facial features, making sure this man was definitely not younger than twenty and not older than twenty-five. “There you have it then. So let’s start with the first question: what brings you to my office?”

“Well it’s for crazy, depressed people, isn’t it?” I raised an eyebrow, watching his eyebrows tuck together. “So you’re saying you’re a crazy, depressed person?” We seriously had to stop answering each other’s questions with more questions. “I think I might be.” I answered softly. He leaned forward in his seat and watched me intensely, “Did you decide to come here, or did someone tell you to?”

“I decided to come, I’ve been living with so many secrets and problems for the last seven years, and now it’s your job to help me fix them. I’m tired of walking around, telling people jokes and laughing with a fake smile plastered on my face. I’ve been living behind a mask for too long, and I’m sick of it.” I hadn’t even noticed I was clenching my teeth together, till Harry told me to relax.

“Well then tell me what the problem is.” He got his pen ready, placing his inked tip against the paper.

“First of all: my mother died when I was twelve, then I had to live with my douche bag dad and his red-haired witch wife while my oldest brother, Ben, lived on his own and my other drother, Damian, lived with the mother of his child, who’s twenty-eight-year-old brother sexually harassed me between the age of thirteen and fourteen. Then I had to attend a fucked-up school, which I only went to cause the boy I loved was in there, Jerry. He ended up wripping my heart into pieces cause I wouldn’t have sex with him. My step mum thinks I’m a slut, and my dad says I’m a disappointment. My brothers left me, Damian left me for Samantha, his now wife, and Ben for his job. Now I have to live with my dad and step mum who negatively judge me every step of the way.”

I inhaled deeply after talking as fast as I could, shocked when I saw that Harry managed to keep up with me as I looked at his notes, “How old are you now?” He questioned. The back of his pen found his lips again, as he stared at me, “I just turned 19, on the 22de of April.” I answered quietly. He nodded, writing it down by his notes.

“How old are you, by the way?” I asked, watching as his lips curled up into a smile, “Jamie, this isn’t about me, you don’t have to know anything about me, other than the fact that I’m here to help.”

“You’re about to learn everything about me. Just give me your age, that’s all I’m asking for.” He sighed, leaning back in his seat, “Twenty-four. I’m twenty-four.” He mumbled. “A bit young to be a therapist, aren’t we Dr Styles?”

“I skipped three grades in school, I went to university when I was seventeen, I’m really smart.” He smirked, bragging like a little kid who just learned how to tie a shoelace. “Anyway, so the first thing, like how this all started was your mother’s death, correct?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. “Yes.”

“Alright, well tell me a bit about her, and the relationship you shared with her.”

“Honestly, she was lovely. She had the prettiest blue/green eyes, blonde hair reaching her shoulders. She had high, beautiful cheekbones, She was cheeky, and fun. Loved art, loved making dinner at night and having my step father, Gavin and me and my brothers all sitting around the table, talking and laughing as her meal brought us all together.” I smiled at what was now only memories of her, blinking my tears away, “Her name was Michelle.”

When I looked up, he was smiling at me lovingly, “She sounds lovely.” He commented. “She was.” I nodded.

“Do you think of her a lot?” He placed the notepad on the coffee table next to him and rested his elbow on his knee and his chin in the palm of his hand. “Every second of everyday.”

“How did you treat her?” He asked the one questioned I was ashamed of answering, “Like crap, not always, but I was mean sometimes, I said hurtful things. I regret it so much now. I stopped when she got sick, but I didn’t see her much then.”

Harry used his hand – which wasn’t holding his chin- to wipe the brown curls - which were falling in front of his eyes - to the side, the light smile from earlier now vanished from his smooth, pink lips.

The first therapy session was not what I expected. I thought I would be sobbing while telling him all my problems, but he only got to know me. Though he got annoyed when I wanted to know anything about him, I decided that I liked how deep and raspy his voice was, it sent shivers down my spine whenever he chuckled.

Once our hour was up, he stood up and shook my hand before he walked me out the white and black office, smiling when I said a small goodbye.

I got into my little red Cherry QQ, strapping my seatbelt around myself. The engine roared as I started reversing from the tiny parking lot, seeing the curly haired man still standing outside as he watched my car drive away.

“He’s hot.” I looked to my right, Bianca, my best friend, sitting in the passanger’s seat. “He’s alright. You know you could’ve gone inside and waited for me in the waiting room, they had coffee and cookies.” I smirked, focusing my eyes on the road before me.

“I was reading my book, I bet the waiting room was noisy anyway.” I nodded, stopping my car when we reached a red light. “Isn’t it weird, having to tell a hot guy like that everything?”

“A bit, but I plan on getting to know a few things about him too, starting with his phone number.” I winked, laughing as Bianca rolled her eyes at me.

(A/N: I was so freaking scared to publish this :/ please give me your honest opinions, and thanks so much for deciding to read my first ever wattpad story xxx)

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