Chapter 03

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I walked through the large store, growing more and more frustrated by the second as I searched for the cheese. Thrity minutes I waisted looking, all for my step mum who felt like making mac and cheese for dinner. Bianca was finding my irritation hilarious, laughing at my loud and rather obnoxious huffs and puffs.

I gave up and made my way to the back of the store where Bianca said the cheese would be the second we walked in. I was being stupid, telling her that they would never have cheese in the back, that they probably had stationary and shool stuff there.

How wrong I was, there in the back of the god damn store, stood rows and rows of all kinds of different cheeses. “I hate you.” I whined as I heard Bianca’s laugh behind me. She was obviously pleased with the fact that she was right.

“If you just listened to me from the biginning we wouldn’t have just walked through a store for half an hour searching for the cheese, you know?” She smartly replied, holding her head up high, turning around and walking to the sweets section.

Of course she’d go for the sweets section, I have no idea how she managed to stay skinny while eating like she did.

After loading a few different cheeses into the trolley, I turned around and started heading to the pasta section. Pushing my loaded trolley through the long isle, I looked to my left, searching for the little shell-shaped macaronis. Silly me, not watching where I was going, bumped my trolley right into the person before me. My eyes widened, still focused on the pasta. I tured my head slowly, catching two familiar green eyes, looking right at me.

“Oh my god, Harry I am so sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going.” I panicked. A smile crept its way across his perfectly full lips, a dimple piercing into his left cheek. “Jamie, good to see you. Your hair looks lovely.”

I ran a hand through my dark hair, tucking a piece behind my ear. “It’s straight.” I quietly replied. My eyes trailed up and down his tall frame, his usual black skinny jeans now replaced with a whitish-grey pair, a black v-neck hugging his upper body perfectly, his loose curls, as usual, laying across his forehead.

“I like it like that.” He grinned, a smile tugging at his lips again. We held each other’s gaze, silently taking each other in. “Jay, look they have vanilla coke!” Bianca cheered, walking towards Harry and I.

Harry’s eyes trailed to the girl behind me, frowning as he saw her pause in her footsteps, two cans of vanilla coke in her hands.

 “Hey, it’s that sexy therapist of yours.” She smirked. Harry’s eyes widened, a smirk forming on his lips, “Hey, I’m Harry.” He took a large step forward, expanding his hand out to shake hers, “Bianca.” She replied shortly. He spun around and looked at me again, “So what brings you here?”

“Erm, same as you, getting things we need at home.” I had no idea why this was so awkward for me. I had spoken to him in sessions many times before, but this was different.

“I have been meaning to ask you, but I keep forgetting. Would you mind giving me your number? You know just for incase something happens or you need my help?” He almost seemed nervous as he rocked his body back and forth on his heels and toes.

“Oh, of course.” I smiled, pulling my phone from the back pockets of my light blue skinny jeans. I handed him my phone, watching as he typed his number in and sent himself a text.

“Alright, sweet. Well I better get going. I’ll see you tomorrow, right?” He asked, handing me my phone. “Right.” I waved as he smiled at me and started walking away. “Damn, he be hot as a lamp.” Bianca chuckled.

I smiled and shook my head before continuing down the isle. I finally found the shell-shaped macaroni, and chucked it in, “Okay, let’s go pay.” I sighed to Bianca.


I stuffed my fork full of mac and cheese into my mouth, the only sound in the room being the disgusting sounds my dad made while chewing. My step mum kept her eyes on me, staring at me through her ugly ass glasses.

She was angry with me again, why? I didn’t know. And I didn’t care, she was always angry. Her standards were too high for me to reach, and that pissed her off. She hated me, but it didn’t effect me much, I didn’t like her either.

With a final mouth full of food, I stood up, taking my plate with me as I approached the kitchen. I felt the vibration of my phone in my back pocket, signalling I had a text.

After rinsing my plate and placing it in the dishwasher, I ran up to my room, getting my pyjamas on. My phone was set on my bedside table as I switched my light off and got into my white, fluffy blankets.

I reached for my phone and opened the text I got five minutes earlier, Harry’s name above it reading, ‘Did I ever tell you that you have a really nice ass? So perky.’

I had to read through it twice before actually getting it into my head. I was fast to reply, typing a quicke, ‘What?’ with burning red cheeks and the silliest smile on my face. I made this horrible sound, it sounded like a guy doing a high-pitched squeal.

In only a matter of seconds my phone began vibrating again. With a silly grin on my face, I unlocked my screen and opened my new text.

‘Jamie? Oh crap, that was meant for someone else, sorry! Just pretend you never read that.’ Slightly disappointed, I typed a simple ‘ok’ and set my phone down next to me.

I reached for my tv’s remote, and switched it on, searching for something to watch. Nothing seemed to catch my attention, though the buz of my phone was not ignored like the stupid program on tv: Keeping Up With The Kardashians. What a useless show. I could feel my IQ level dropping everytime I watched more than 5 minutes of it.

‘Though you have a nice, perky ass too..’ I smiled down at Harry’s reply, shaking my head. ‘You have nice everything.’ After sending it I felt like kicking myself in the stomach. I sent my therapist a flirty text for crying out loud!

But I mean a little innocent flirting can’t be that bad, right?

‘Oh yeah? Like what?’

I couldn’t decide what to complement him on. His eyes? His hair? His slow, smooth voice? I went with his eyes, typing ‘You have really nice eyes.’ And sent it before over thinking it.

‘Mhm…What else?”

‘Smile, I love the dimple on your left cheek.’ I felt more confident now, typing back faster than before. ‘You really pay attention to the little things, don’t you? Tell you what, I’ll let you poke my dimple tomorrow, but I want something in return.’

‘Which is?’ While waiting for him to answer, my thoughts went into over drive, imagining all the things he could possibly want from me ‘I want to touch your bum. If you say no, I’m not letting you anywhere near my cute ass dimple. So we have a deal?”

To me, that seemed fair, ‘Deal.’

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