Chapter 15: Tuesday (2)

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Warning for discussion of emotional manipulation.

Chapter 15: Tuesday (2)

Due to a lack of anything better to do, and the fact that noon had passed while he was in the hearing, Hitch headed to the Spectrum canteen to wait out the session's conclusion. He ordered a cup of coffee and a salad, and while waiting for the coffee to brew, spotted Blacker, who was apparently having lunch at the same time as him.

Now fully equipped with coffee and food, he went over to join the other agent at his table. Blacker waved a hand in greeting. "Hey. Some day, huh?"

"That's one way of putting it," said Hitch, and started on his salad.

"I heard you had to testify," said Blacker, setting aside the small chalkboard he had been working on before Hitch's arrival. "How did that go?"

"I don't know if what I said changed anything," he admitted. "They seemed to be pretty set on their conclusion before I even stepped in there."

"And that conclusion would be?"

"That LB's the root of all evil, and Ruby's existence in general was and still is a mistake."

Blacker winced. "That bad, huh."

"Well, the climax of the entire situation was probably the point where they accused Ruby of third-degree murder. Things kind of went downhill from there." Blacker was looking more than slightly curious, so Hitch elaborated. "LB called them out on it, pointed out how hypocritical they were being, and drew the attention of the trial back to her."

"That was nice of her." Blacker took a sip of his iced tea. "I still find it kind of hard to believe that she was protecting the Count – it's one thing to see your boss being taken away in handcuffs, I had just about accepted it at that point, but now she's turning around and doing stuff like this – it just feels weird, you know?"

"I guess now that Baker's gone, her loyalties are focused on Spectrum entirely," Hitch speculated. "Although–" he frowned, as something occurred to him. "You know, it strikes me as a little weird that she's risking the fate of the trial to protect Ruby."

"I always thought she was a little fond of Ruby, so I don't think it's that surprising. Didn't she always want to have kids?" Blacker asked.

Hitch paused, staring at him in slight bemusement. "Sure, before the plane crash," he said slowly, "but that's not the point."

"Okay, then what is?"

"Ruby was the one who shot and killed Bradley Baker. If you were in LB's place, can you really see yourself defending the person who had done that to the love of your life?"

"When you put it like that..." Blacker trailed off. "Yeah, that does not seem in character for her at all."

They sat in silence for a while. Hitch finished his salad, and then pushed the empty tray aside.

"Oh, hey, speaking of which," said Blacker, sitting up straighter. "They conducted the autopsy on the Count – Baker – well, whoever. The report's been made clearance-only, but you should have access. Look at it when you have time."

"Anything interesting?" Hitch asked.

"Not especially – but several things were found on his person at the time of death." He pulled out a handwritten list from his pocket, and handed it to Hitch.

Hitch read down the list and looked up. "The octopus ink, the cyan scent, the eight key. We have them now?"

"Yep," Blacker confirmed. "All locked away in a very high-security vault – but it's not like he'll be coming to get them back, anyway."

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