i • space is overrated: extended summary, notes and information

93 7 5

A U T H O R ' S N O T E :

I am a very cheesy romantic person and this book is proof :)


S P A C E :


noun [ U ]

1. a continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or unoccupied.

"a table took up much of the space"

Gabriella Levy is a charmer. Whether it's her witty remarks, strong personality or her goddess-like looks, she could make any boy fall into her palm in just a snap. But when she leaves a relationship with a broken heart and a couple of names added to her hate list, Gabi decides to take advantage of the holidays and visit her family. Only when she got there, what she didn't expect was for her mother to have guests. Especially not when they all looked like Abercrombie models. But most of all, what Gabriella didn't expect was for a certain Lance Williams to accidentally make his way into her heart.


O U T I N M I D 2 0 1 8


D I S C L A I M E R :

This book is new and unedited so if there are any mistakes, I will try to fix them asap but meanwhile, please don't comment rudely about my typos.


E X T R A N O T E S :

- My writing is newer and I am younger than most authors here, so my vocabulary may not be as experienced as other writers who have done this for a longer time.

- There might be a few cusses thrown in here and there, but nothing too serious.

- Plenty of cheesy romance :)

-Plot twists that will make you want to rip your hair out

- Character choices that will make you scream

- Violent themes & disorder/ phobia talks. don't read if you get offended by the way I may portray something I don't know that much about (other than research, books, movies, ect.)

-Keep in mind that this is a rough draft written by an amateur writer, so obviously it won't be the kind of book you could get at Barnes and Noble.

-This story was inspired by Simone Shirazi (simonesaidwhat )'s book, "Boys In Bands", but this is in no way a copy, or a remake, all of the characters are my own, and the plot is purely a figment of my imagination.

-Take this story lightly, it isn't really one of those super intense books that'll make you feel like a new person, though I did implement a few lessons to learn from most of my characters.

- Also, this is Pg-13, so um, no smut scenes. I think writing intimate scenes themselves is cringey and awkward enough, so smut would just be plain uncomfortable (for me to write & for you to read). Sorry to disappoint, although you should stay tuned for some "aw" moments.

C O P Y R I G H T:


Hi, so I know that nobody reads this part cuz it's boring and all, but I just wanna make it clear. You can read this book, laugh, coo, smile, scream, cry, do anything. But if you copy it, I swear to god I will find you and make sure you choke on some glitter.

space is overrated (c.s.)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin