The Breakup

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You live in Sacramento, California with your best friend Jessica and her boyfriend Adym. You all have been bestfriends since you were infants. Its Christmas eve and your sitting on the couch crying your eyes out watching Stranger Things and eating a gallon of ice cream. You hear the door open and slam shut and there is Jessica crying. She runs into her room and slams the door, you pause your episode and  walk over to her room. You knock on the door...

You: can I come in?
Jessica: fine

You open the door and walk in cautiously. You see her under her covers crying. You sit down at the edge of her bed.

You: what's wrong?
Jessica: A-A-Adym broke u-up with me.

You can't believe what you hear and emidiatly feel the hatred that you have against Adym. You thought that you were all friends but seeing your friend in tears hurts you on the inside and really has you doubting your friendship trio.

You: Do you know why he broke up with you?
Jessica: H-he said that he l-l-likes someone else.
You: Well that's his loss. You are the most strongest woman I know. You have the best personality anyone could have, and you are kind and if he likes someone else then he is just down grading.

Jessica pulls the covers off her head and you see her mascara streaking down her face. You feel you eyes watering up also. You both hug each other and convert each other.

Jessica: Do you really think I'm that amazing?
You: Of course I do
Jessica: thank you y/n
You: no problem

Jessica wipes her tears away and gets up with you. You both sit on the couch and start watching Stranger Things together, the Christmas tree is shining bright. The stockings already stuffed and presants all ready under the tree. You both end up finishing the ice cream and fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2017 ⏰

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