Ce-le-brate Good Times, Come on...

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Okay, I know practically no one reads this fanfiction, so when the fabulous chooky2142 commented option two on my update, I figured that was the only comment I'd get for a while. There are so few Dragon Age fans on Wattpad! So thank you chooky2142 for taking the time to comment!

Option two is, of course, switching Female Hawke for Male Hawke. So that is what I'm going to do! If you'd like to picture your own Hawke when you read this go ahead, but if you'd like to use my Hawke, here's a description of him;

•Black hair, in the style of Cullen's hair.

•Skin is slightly more tanned than generic Bethany's, and has a black tattoo on his face (not even going to try to describe what one it is).

•Darkish green eyes.

•A rogue.

•Mainly kind or humorous, but he can get real pissed off real easy (usually by blood mages, slavers, or rude people who insult him or his friends).

•He likes cuddles or public displays of affection towards a lover, although he's held back with Fenris because he knows he doesn't enjoy it as much, and prefers to keep it behind closed doors.

•Absolutely fabulous singer, but he only sings when he is alone. Fenris has caught him once, and that didn't end well for him... ;)

This chapter is about how Cyril , Duke Prosper's son, had heard of Hawke's engagement (although was unaware who to) and had invited him to a celebratory party at Chateau Haine.

Enjoy guyz!

~SugarHW xoxoxo

"No, we're going."

"No we are not!" Fenris shouted, making half the patrons jump out of their drunken states and crane their heads towards our group. I sighed heavily, twisting the expensive looking letter in my hands. I wanted to show my fiancée off so badly, but Fenris was stubborn, a force to be reckoned with.

"Hawke's right, broody. Why throw away such a glorious opportunity to mingle with the upper class? Look at it like this. Whole day with Hawke, complimented with fine food and fine company. What's not to like?" Varric chimed in, taking another swig of his ale. He was the only one in our group who had dared to speak up during the entire evening. Perhaps Fenris's foul expression had shut them up. Ever since Aveline's wedding and that incident with Lady Elegant's cleavage, Fenris has avoided any social events whatsoever. I know he never liked them in the first place, but now he would get furious at me for even suggesting such a thing.

"Have you forgotten the Orlesian's option on elves? They would never respect our marriage once they knew who it was between!" Fenris growled, his gauntleted fingers digging into the table. I slam my tankard down against the table with a loud thud, making every head snap around in my direction.

"Well they can take their bloody respect and shove it up their-" I start, only to be interrupted by Fenris' hand clamping over my mouth.

"I said no, Hawke," His face softened, turning from a intense scowl to an annoyed pout. He removed his hand to take a large gulp of ale, his nose wrinkling at the foul taste. I scooted closer to him, grabbing his hand and lifting it up to cup my cheek. I gave him the best puppy eyes I could, and although I would be never as good as him at it, he seemed to melt at my touch.

"Please, Fenris? For me?" I plea, holding back laughter at his immediate submission. He let a frustrated sigh.

"Fine. I will attend this 'celebration'. But do not blame me if we get kicked out the second they realise you engaged me, of all people." Fenris submitted, curling around mine, pouting slightly at his easy defeat. I grinned triumphantly and slid even closer to him. I leaned my head on his shoulder, expecting resistance, but finding that he only leaned back against me. I kiss the underside of his jaw and spend the rest of the evening snuggled against my Fenris.

I Think I Want To Marry You!- A short Dragon Age II F!Hawke/Fenris fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now