The pager

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Before you start reading I think this might be an appropriate song for the book XD (you'll get it when you here it)

I adjusted my bag as I pulled it over my shoulder, squinting my eyes in grief at the bright sun that peeked out of the corner of a building. My shoes scratched against the cracked concrete which brought a sensation of sounds in the quiet city that once use to be busy. My base wasn't far from here. Just two more blocks and I'll be there. That's right, I live in a general store. Okay so not the ideal spot but it has everything I need plus I have a little tent set up in the back to sleep in. Not to mention the cameras at the front desk so I could see everything that was going on around the general store, just in case.

As I approached my base I started to here a crackling sound coming from my pager. The pager was given to me by my father. He said that he might not survive, but he knows I would. He said that when there's no one else around I could use it. I could use it to find anyone else out there. Every time I thought about my parents I could feel my eyes get all shiny. I felt stupid for still thinking about that, it's been exactly 3 months and 2 weeks since the war ended. But the thing was, how could I ever forget. I put my ear up to the pager, listening closely.

I started to step into my base when I heard something. Through all the crackling sounds I heard a "Hello, is any one out there?" I was hesitant to respond but I finally did. "Hello" I said. The voice said "who are you" not sure what to say I just said "uh I'm me".
"Who's me"
"I'm me"
"Name please".

I was scared to say my real name for some odd reason so instead I said my little sisters name, Julie. Short for Julianna. "Where are you" I asked. It took a few seconds for them to answer but the voice said "Bridgehill, Virginia, 0324. I cursed a little under my breath, mad at the fact I was all the way down in Atlanta Georgia. We weren't far apart though. My dad drove my family there once before. It only took 8 hours. But I don't know this persons age and if they can drive. And if they can what'll happen when they get here? All these second thoughts ran through my head but I finally stated my address.

I took a deep breath and asked, "how old are you?" They responded with a "uh I'm fourteen, how old are YOU? I was scared to answer but I said "uh 13?" . We spent the rest of the the night talking, answering questions, and even just about our everyday life. I was happy to have someone to talk to, even if it was hard to hear them. When I went to bed that night me and this voice on the pager had formed a plan. Considering there was no traffic, since, well, everyone was dead they could drive all the way down to Georgia and find the general store I'm at. It wouldn't be easy, but at this point I didn't care. The person speaking mentioned something about having a gps, it would help them get here. They said it may take a while but the would leave in about an hour so I wouldn't have to wait all day tomorrow.

When I woke up that morning there was still no one there. I turned the pager on, where are you? I asked. The voice responded with a "I'm almost there, about 45 more minutes". So I waited, and waited, and waited some more. Finally I saw a car pull up. They obviously didn't know how to drive. I slowly sat up and grabbed my bow and arrow, just to be safe. A boy stepped out of the car, he was scrawny and had dark brown hair and the greenest eyes I'd ever seen. Julie? He asked. I nodded, though the name made me sad, considering the actual Julie wasn't around any more. I gestured him in as he stepped forward and followed me to my tent.

Oh er um, what's your name by the way? You never told me. It's- it's Ethan, he sighed. Why don't you like your name? I asked quite frankly. Well, I don't know, I just- it doesn't matter. We sat for the rest of the night talking about how many months we spend roaming the cities alone. Tomorrows my sisters birthday I said in sorrow. Did she pass, while the war was still going on? Ethan asked softly. I nodded. Sorry for asking- but what was her name? It had just occurred to be that I completely forgot to tell him my name wasn't actually Julianna. Uh- it's Julianna I replied trying not to laugh. Do you have the same name? He answered, confused. I shook my head, no my name is Bianca just in case you were a murderer I lied about my name.

Well even if you said a fake name that certainly wouldn't matter, I mean think about it, all they need is your address. And boom! Your dead, he exclaimed. So, do you have any siblings? I asked. His eyes shot around the tent, uh yeah. We called him Dan, short for Danny, obviously. I nodded though I could tell he didn't want to talk about the subject anymore.

So it's been a long day, do you want to rest, I mean it IS 4 am. He nodded. I grabbed a blanket that sat in one of the aisles and handed it to him. Thanks, but I already have one in my bag. Oh okay I said putting the blanket back. Well I'm just going to mess around with the pager a little bit, you can get some rest. Okay, he said as rolled over on his side and drifted off to sleep. I lied back against the walls of the tent and tried to process all that had happened. I finally had someone to talk too. Things are hopefully looking up. I grabbed my pager and started to listen for anyone else out there, happy by the fact I finally have the slightest bit of hope.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!!! Sorry for the uncreative name for the book I wasn't sure what to call it. Comment some ideas for a better title. Since it is Christmas (I am at an airport and my flight is delayed) I will not be posting the next chapter until Saturday but possibly earlier. What do you think will happen next?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2017 ⏰

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