Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Marilitsa

I woke up because of the heat. I opened my eyes and the strong sunlight blinded me so I closed them again. The capsule was upside down with the door open at last, looking at the sky. I was lying on the seats, dizzy and disorientated, feeling like throwing up. I tried to stand up but the world started to spin round so I lay down again. I opened my eyes slowly this time and faced the outside through the opened door. I saw the branches of the trees, hiding the sky and the strong sunrays falling to the ground. It looked like a forest.

I tried to stand up again. I grabbed the top of a seat and leaned on it. My knees were trembling and I could  hardly stand but I didn't fall again. I looked at the door hanging a few meters above my head. Even if I tried to jump I couldn't reach it. I was stuck inside the capsule. I sat down and tried to think what to do. I didn't want to call for help, I could attract a dangerous prisoner or even worse a mutated monster and that would make the situation even worse. On the other hand I had to get out of here because there was always the possibility of dying from lack of water before anyone found me and saved me. It was as hot as hell inside the capsule. I could hardly breathe from the humidity too. My dress was sticking to my sweating body and made the situation even worse.

I didn't notice it or hear it until it was too late. I was sitting, uncomfortably on the chairs, trying to figure a way out when something covered the sunlight coming through the door. I raised my head petrified.

The first thing I saw was its mouth. It had several rows of jagged teeth inside and outside of its gaping mouth. It was breathing, smelling the air intensely, like it was searching for something. Its skin was covered with some kind of grease that made it slip easily inside the tiny door despite its huge body. It didn't look like an animal, more like a  kind of plant. Its skin had a bright green colour and was transparent like a leaf in the sun. Its huge long tentacles slipped through the door and started to move like snakes, searching the place. It reminded me of a giant squid or maybe an octopus, the size of a truck.

I wanted to scream for help and jump out from the invaded capsule but I stayed as silent and still as possible, hoping that the monster wouldn't find me and go away.

One of its tentacles touched my leg. Unconsciously I pulled it back and let a small noise come out of my mouth. The tentacles stopped moving. Its mouth turned and "looked" at me. It breathed deeply, smelling the air, smelling me. Then it screamed. I screamed too as its tentacles touched my side.  


One tentacle crashed into the seat beside me. I saw the end of the tentacle opening revealing a smaller version of the monster’s mouth. A second tentacle aimed for my head but I dived. I hit my head on the floor and I felt blood flowing from my forehead. The plant screamed again, as if the smell of blood was driving it into a frenzy.


I screamed as the plant grabbed my foot. I grabbed the seat with all my strength and didn't let go. I screamed again as I heard the sound of my ankle breaking. The sound of shooting filled the capsule and suddenly the plant stopped moving. Feeling its grip loosening I pulled my wounded leg free. The plant slid outside the capsule with a loud sound. A shadow appeared in the entrance.

“Are you alright? “someone asked leaning through the opening. I could only see a dark silhouette because of the sun but realising that the shadow was a human I started crying with joy.

“Thank you” I said, with all my heart.

“Here, give me your hand” the person said

Blinded by the light I raised my hands and closed my eyes.

From the voice I had assumed that my saviour was a woman. Now looking again my first thought was "what a beautiful girl" and then "wow". The person who saved me was a young boy, probably near my age with long blonde uncombed hair and blue eyes, bluer than the sky on the brightest summer day. He was looking at me with those eyes hidden behind his long thick eyelashes. I looked at him in amazement. His skin was tanned from the continued exposure to the strong sun of this place and made him look...wild. He was wearing some strange clothes too. His T-shirt was too big for him and he had a leather belt around his waist with a small dagger fastened to it behind his waist. His pants looked crinkled  and he wore military boots  with a knife fastened  on each one. The fabric of his clothes looked old and worn out and had a brownish color. If he wore different clothes or if his slender arms weren't so muscular I would have mistaken him for a girl for sure. I was sure that I looked surprised but so did he. He was looking at me from head to toe like I was an alien.

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