Article 5

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I Stand alone in the darkness

Trying to escape into the light

No one is there for me

There is no way to escape the night

Guards at every door

They watch my every move

They beat me until I bleed

My body is bruised, scared

There is no way

To see the beauty

I am safe

Away from this place

He helped me escape

I run and run

Where is she

She said she would be here

I will never see her again

She is gone

She was murdered

I stand as weak as a fawn

I won't move

She can't be gone

She was all I had

Now my heart is

guarded with a lock

She gave me her heart

She is my lover

She protected me with all her might

She once was my mother

- LiFeLoveHate17

I wrote this poem after reading the Novel Article 5 by: Kristen Simmons

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