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Naruto was walking up to the Namikaze estate and expected the same blue glow on the gate before it clicked open however he was sadly disappointed as the gate opened without resistance, however upon grabbing the door handle he was greeted with a sharp pain on his hand, upon inspection he realized he was bleeding and the door had blood on the handle, however it opening made him realize that it was the lock on the door instead of chakra, upon entering he was greeted with a quaint entry that led further into the house, however Naruto noticed that the aged kage wouldn't follow him into the Namikaze estate.
"Why aren't you coming in the estate jiji?" The old man pulled his pipe out of his robes and lit it with a small fire jutsu, "Minato was very adamant about only Namikaze entering the estate, he claimed that there were things that no ninja should see under risk of it leaking to the outside world, an example being his Hirashin, although three ninja can do it they need all of them to do it, he could do it by himself, and instantly at that, that'd definitely not something we need leaking to our enemies, wouldn't you agree?" Naruto shrugged with an under the breath 'I guess' before walking deeper into the estate, however upon finding the library he found what he was looking for, a sheet of paper encased in glass, it read...
Dear Namikaze who finds this, I leave this to explain the values of our clan, I am the only one as of right now, and I hope dearly that our bloodline doesn't go extinct as it is quite the powerful one as I'm sure you know, however unlike the Uchiha clan, the Namikaze doesn't steal jutsu, as that in and of itself is a crime against others hard work, we pride ourselves in creating jutsu, intelligence, creativity, and hard work being our calling cards, I hope that you take this to heart and respect the way our clan has been run for over a century, not that our clan is very old, I guess I'm just rambling now, but take these things to heart.
Minato Namikaze

Naruto looked over the letter from his father, hard work, creativity, and intelligence, it seemed as though the beliefs put before him, Uzumaki and Namikaze spoke to him on a deep level, his families were full of great people who he had great respect for, even if he didn't know any other Uzumaki the thought of family before all else was comforting, and something more people should do.
"So Naruto-Kun, you got what you wanted out of the Namikaze compound, yeah?" Naruto nodded and they started walking the the senju compound, "with the little time you were in there I assume you didn't try to find a special jutsu?" Naruto shook his head, "Nope I just found the library and read the page that said what made me a Namikaze,  and the beliefs of the Namikaze."
"Oh? Minato never told me about the Namikaze beliefs... care to enlighten this old man?" Naruto hummed before responding, "they believe that using the Sharingan to copy jutsu is disgraceful and they pride intelligence, creativity, and hard work above everything else."
Hiruzen nodded, these values were definitely embodied by Minato, although the sharing an part was new, perhaps he got it from his mother... or maybe it was just Minato's opinion, who was he to tell.
"So jiji, how much farther to the senju compound?" Hiruzen smiled, "actually that large building right there is the senju compound, however we are going to wait a minute because I can see tsunade-chan coming this way." Naruto looked around to see a rather angry looking woman coming towards him, he quickly hid behind the third hokage.
"Ah tsunade-chan you're looking well, and who might this be?" He said looking at her apprentice, "this is shizune my apprentice and her pet tonton, where's the brat that's supposed to be a senju?"
Hiruzen moved out of the way to show Naruto, "This is Naruto, the clan head to the Uzumaki, Namikaze, and the heir of the senju, although if you trace his bloodline back he also has Uchiha and Hyuuga in him, but he is definitely not the heir of either clan."
Tsunade nodded, and how did you figure out these... connections in his blood? Surely only a medic of my capabilities would be able to recognize that many sets of genes in someones dna..."
"We have proof that he is Uzumaki as his chakra opens the Uzumaki gate, and blood opens the Namikaze gate, however the only two that were Alice of each of those was Minato and Kushina, he was half hyuuga, and she was a quarter senju if I remember correctly..." she nodded before her face scrunched up, "that's only four bloodlines you senile old man, where does the Uchiha come in?"
"Show her your eyes Naruto-Kun." Naruto nodded and activated his Sharingan.
The moment she saw it she noticed that something was wrong, "It's blue..." Sarutobi nodded, "Naruto explained that it was one of the two forms the Sharingan could take during the warring clans periods, Izuna Uchiha, who later became Namikaze was the first to activate a Sharingan through positive emotions at the time, however now with the amount of inbreeding in clans the red Sharingan became the only Sharingan,  or at least that we knew of, and from Naruto's description the blue and white Sharingan is much better on the eyes and more powerful."
"I see, and how did the brat get his hands on information that not even the Uchiha know?" Sarutobi looked at Naruto. "Where did you find that scroll?"
"Well I was walking through the streets looking for food one night and these drunk people came after me, after running for a while I saw a whole in the ground and decided it was my best bet, I jumped in and then I fell down a long way before I landed in a room with that scroll in the middle and intructions on how to seal it into something smaller... I only had a peanut in my pocket at the time..."
"Well Naruto you won't have to search for food anymore, in fact you are a very wealthy child, I'd say you have probably around... seventy billion ryo from the Uzumaki and about five hundred million from the namikaze. If you include the amount of money you will get from the senju as well... it is quite mind boggling to think a child has more money than an aged shinobi of a prominent clan such as myself..."
Tsunade looked at the aged hokage... "You are giving him all of his clans money? Isn't that a little ridiculous sensei?" He grinned, "not at all Tsunade, sometimes I even get him to balance my budget." He laughed before his face got more serious, "Now I have the bane of Kage to face, would you show Naruto around the senju compound?"
She nodded and beckoned Naruto to her side, they quickly walked in and Naruto took notice of the earthy tones of the complex, hues of brown and green with the odd blue almost crystalline looking ponds, she walked up to the door and pushed chakra in and it opened with a resonating click,  "just so you're aware gaki, if you even think about touching the medical section of the library I will grind you to dust, your chakra is too wild,  I can feel it from here, and in my opinion you'll want to learn chakra basics first since I know any brat your age is gonna try and do something stupid like learn the hardest jutsu first... " Tsunade turned around and Naruto was nowhere to be seen. "SARUTOBI!!!"

In the distance hiruzen could swear he heard a yell for him, and yet he brushed it off,  not his problem at the moment. 

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 20, 2019 ⏰

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