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"Hey, Mil- OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY!" A boy walked in.

"Oh my God, GET OUT!" Sophia yelled, walking quickly towards to door.

I quickly pulled my clothes on, heat rising in my cheeks.

The boy was still standing in the doorway, shocked. More boys starting walking up behind him, bewildered.

"Finn, you good?" another boy asked.

So his name's Finn. Good to know.

Millie walked up to him and grabbed his shoulder, shaking him lightly.

"Babe, hello?" she raised a brow.

He looked at her with his lips pursed and eyes wide.

"Finnie, calm down. It's fine. You just freaked us out for a second."

He nodded, also beginning to blush.

"Sorry, Millie.." he sighed.

"For what?" she laughed.

"I saw another girl.. Literally half naked."

Millie rolled her eyes then grinned at him. "Finnie, it wasn't like you looked for a half naked girl on purpose. You just have to learn how to knock before entering."

"Wait, who did he see half naked?" Jaeden pushed Finn out of the doorway so him and the other guys could enter the dorm.

I slowly raised my hand, "Me."

Jaeden furrowed his brows like he was angry. Was he jealous? He looked at Finn then looked at me. I shook my head at him.

He walked over to me and smiled like the previous situation didn't happen. "Make any friends yet?" I was so confused.

"Yeah.. A few." He nodded, still smiling. He leaned in and kissed my cheek. What the hell?!

"See ya later, babe." he walked towards the door, glaring at Finn. He left, leaving us confused.

"So, you have a boyfriend, huh?" Sophia smirked at me, leaning on my shoulder.

"Apparently so." I laughed, awkwardly.

I looked over and saw Finn with his arm around Millie.

"That makes two of us." Millie giggled. "This is my boyfriend, Finn. Aka the guy who saw your pants and whatnot."

Finn gave a small wave then pulled Millie even closer to him. She giggled again and kissed his cheek. Ship, ship ship ship ship ship-

"Nice meeting you." I smiled.

He said his goodbyes to Millie, kissed her, then left with the other boys.

"So, (y/n), why didn't you mention a boyfriend before?" Millie wiggled her eyebrows, grinning.

"Because I didn't know I had one." I stated bluntly.

"Oh?" Sophia chuckled.

"I'm confused too. I don't know why he looked so pissed."

"Jealousy, much?" Millie nudged me.

"Ah, no. He probably was just messing with me."

"Oh, no. He obviously wasn't." Sophia spoke.


"If he was joking, why did he look angry when he found out Finn saw you in your undies? He wouldn't have acted out and kissed your cheek if he was messing with you." she rolled her eyes.

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