Chapter One •Hang Out•

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Alyx *POV*

Well It was about 2 in the afternoon, and I was bored. So I called Jenn, "Hello?" I hear her pick up with her cute voice. "Oh hey Jenn I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out" I responded. "Yeah sure is 3:30 okay? I need time to get ready?" Jenn said. "Yeah of course, I will see you in a little bit" I responded sounding very excited maybe a little to excited. I hung up, and decided to take a shower. After my shower I put on a striped crop top, and high waisted shorts. For makeup I only did, Foundation, concealer, mascara, and lipstick. I didn't wanna look like I was trying to hard, even though I knew I was. I charged my phone for a while, then I checked my phone. It was 3:20 I should probably head over to Jenn's place, I wouldn't wanna be late. I thought before exiting my apartment and getting in my car. When I arrived, I rang Jenna's doorbell, she quickly answered. "Oh hey Alyx" Jenn greeted me, "Hello" I said back. "There was this random party tonight that I was invited to, so instead of sitting inside we can do that if you want" Jenn said nervous. I didn't know why she sounded nervous. "Yeah sure a party sounds fine". "Okay well it starts at 6:30, so we can watch a movie until then?". "Okay" I said, we watched a movie called "Divergent" it was pretty good. It was about 6:20 when it ended so we got in Jenn's car and drove off to the party. When we got there, it was really loud and it smelt like Alcohol, this didn't really seem like Jenn's scene. A bunch of people were playing truth or dare. So Jenn said we should play. We walked over there and sat down on the floor and joined in the game. Everybody else went, but me and Jenn so they asked me truth or dare. I picked dare so I wouldn't seem like a wimp to Jenn. I mean the dare couldn't be that bad, "Kiss the person on your left" OH NO! That was Jenn. Jenn was on my left, what should I do?? So I just did it. I turned to my left and lightly put my lips on hers. She kisssed back a little but pulled away. So I just ran, I didn't know what else to do, but say sorry. I just hid in one of the rooms, but I guess not good enough because she found me. "Hey it's okay Alyx, it was just a dare" Jenn said politely. "Yeah just a dare" I responded, we both got up and just decided to leave the party. We got into Jenn's car without saying a word, we both knew it was still awkward. Jenn dropped me off back at my house and I just kept thinking about the wonderful kiss we had, but only one of us felt it was wonderful

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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