getting back to semi normal

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jamie - gets out of the tent holding lilian and the sun in her eye and hisses -

darly - u alright darling?

jamie - yes just to bright ,i wanna go see my real mom do u wanna come with me ?

darly - sure let me get ur dad to watch my sister and daughtet 

( jamie nods and walks over to darly and hands him lilian and walks away to go get changed and may looks at her brother )

may - you like her dont you

darly - no i dont shut up you dont know what u talking about 

( darly walks over to rick )

rick- what up darly ?

darly - can you watch the girls for me?,  im going out with jamie to find her mom 

rick- sure i will i love lilian 

( darly hand ricks lilian and she laughs and hugs ricks  and jamie walks up to the boys )

jamie - are u ready to go darly ?

darly - yes let go 

( jamire and darly get in the truck and drive awy from the camp sit untill they were on the main road to alants ) 

jamie - thank god im away from lori stupid cow 

darly - where ur mom live 

jamie- down the road to the left it a little white house with a butterfly on it 

( darly drives where she told him to drive and the park infront of the house and see jamie mom is missing half her face )

jamie - damn mom im so sorry 

( jamie walks over to her mom and smashes the ax into her head ) 

darly - let get what we need and get the hell out of here 

jamie - yea i think all my old baby stuff in the attic of my house 

( they kick down the house door and walk to where the attic is and opens it and goes up and grabs all the baby stuff and jamie grabs a pic of her and her mom and dad when she was little  ) 

jamie - let go home darly 

( darly nods his head and they walk back to the truck with the stuff and get in and they drive back to the camp site ) 

( next chapter i will do a flash back ) 

a daughter and sister of a dixonOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara