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Felicity doesn't comemelancholy doesn't go

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Felicity doesn't come
melancholy doesn't go.

The conception of this action,
is a synonym to invalidation.

Felicity doesn't come,
melancholy doesn't go,
we find  what comes
we surpass what goes.

-Search, Caligo.

"HOW DO I FIND HAPPINESS?!" many of you may be wondering and to those who know what happiness is, congrats you passed!

Anyways, the key word is YOU.
You know what makes you happy, and happiness doesn't require a trip or huge steps.

True happiness is found in small things like enjoying a book, drinking coffee, stargazing, writing, finishing a drawing, finding a good channel full of makeup tutorials? (even when it's not useful lmfao.)

those are some of mine if you haven't noticed and I bet you have yours!

YOU know the small things that can make you calm, at ease and happy. All you need to do is ACTION. That's where the hard part is, especially if the world is pulling you down.

YOU have the strength, YOU are powerful.  You are the key, all you have to do is simple steps or baby steps. (I suggest the first day, wake up early i know some of you are not used to it I wasn't until I found it helpful!)

And it all starts with satisfaction. Regardless of the scars, physical or not, regardless of the issues you are facing, your first step is satisfaction. Once you are satisfied, you've passed half the process.

I hope this helps!

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