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         My watch reads noon and out of my peripheral I realize Chloe is doing the same exact thing: looking at the time and wondering where the hell Krystal is. She takes her seat at the island, her favorite place to sit, her elbows prop her folded hands up and her chin rests on them. I'm washing dishes since my sink seems to have never ending silverware and dinnerware, but managing to keep conversation as well. Mid debate on whether or not Princess Peach is the mother of Bowser Jr. we hear the buzzer that indicates that our gate has been opened and someone was pulling in.

          I step away from the sink, turning off the water and shaking my hands dry to open the door. Once opened though I see Austin park his fancy Porsche Panamera in our roundabout right behind Chloe's prized possession. Zion asks if those are the boys and I reply with an "of course," because truly who else would it be? They may have moved out into different houses with some boys staying housemates but they all managed to constantly crowd into my house to stay with Zion, a bromance for the ages.

          Waving as the boys get out I jump at the sudden vibration and loud alert given from my phone. I turn down the sound and read the alert. Krystal texted informing me that she forgot the code to open it but she was outside parked by it. I laugh a little to myself and wonder how she didn't make it right behind the boys since she always speeds. I motion for Chloe to follow me, but pause and make my way to the couch where Zion sat playing video games. I bend over the back of the couch wrap my arms around his neck then proceed to litter his face with kisses. He pauses, takes off his headset and returns the favor.

          Chloe and him do their signature and quick handshake as I return to my original standing position and tell him we're leaving. He tells me to be safe as he leans back into the cushions awaiting the boys. Chloe and I exit the house, but leave the front entrance open a crack so the boys don't need to struggle when opening the huge double door. We hug them all and I tease Edwin for not extending an invite to both of us for the party he held last night. He apologizes, but I wasn't taking the situation too seriously to begin with so I brush it off. I inform them that there's pizza rolls in the freezer so if they get hungry and don't wanna pay for anything they have that option.

          I grab Austin's arm before he can follow the boys as they hurriedly enter the home and lean in so I'm closer to his ear. I quietly ask him to keep alcohol from Z, and if they start drinking that he should limit it to a minimum. He reassures me and I kiss his cheek goodbye. We walk outside using the gate she just so happened to neglect. She honks her horn and we pile into her extremely flashy glitter Mercedes, it almost pained me to sit in it but you could tell Chloe wasn't at all okay with it. Her parents were extremely rich and well known within Hollywood with her dad being a CEO for some big company and her mother being a former actress, model and now a clothing store owner. While Krystal modeled, sometimes even alongside me, her parents had bought this for her... no occasion, just solely for the fact her name was Krystal and the vehicle was covered in Swarovski crystals.

          Without a warning she speeds off and I know she's headed towards Rodeo Drive. She parallel parks by a meter and doesn't bother paying for it. If her shitty parking isn't enough to earn her a ticket it's her lack of care when it came to parking laws. Chloe almost runs out of the car and tries to catch her breath on the curb, I pat her on the back as Krystal locks her car and struts ahead of us looking like she's on a mission. Remembering the last time we were here I regretfully inform Chloe that Krystal is very thorough when it comes to shopping. Thorough as in almost every store from Anne Fontaine to Wolford and everything in between. We trail her from store to store and I buy things in Tiffany and Ferragamo, I notice Chloe eyeing things in Gucci and MaxMara so I purchase them for her... she's my best friend after all, just because she can't afford things she wants doesn't mean I should shrug.

          After frequent trips to the car and back to drop off our bags and take the load off our arms we're exhausted, even Krystal is out of breath. Chloe's stomach rumbles and she practically begs to eat, I agree too since my stomach had moaned first... just more quietly I guess. Krystal stands with her hands on her hips, deep in thought and after a quick second her eureka thought comes through and she motions for us to walk arm in arm with her. We oblige and she leads us to the nearest restaurant, Rodeo 208. The waiter is flustered by us, which is nothing out of the ordinary. All three of us are beautiful, and only two just happen to be international models... Chloe could've had everyone fooled though, if she said she modeled as well I'm sure no one would doubt it.

          Speaking of Chloe, she blushes as he seats us outside and gives her a wide grin. Upon seating and right as the waitress comes to take our drink orders Krystal orders a bottle of champagne for everyone. We thank her, but I ask for a lemonade and Chloe a water. She rolls her eyes, but accepts our differences anyways.

"So, you gals wanna hit up Beverly Center?" Her eyes sparkle at the mention of another shopping center.

"I'd love to, I can't speak for Chloe of course-" I turn to Chloe who just nods in agreement, "but we need to do something super important" I finish and adjust my posture.

"What in this whole wide world is more important than shopping?" Her eyes widen, her head gives a little shake and she sips her champagne.

          The food arrives and I lean to Chloe informing her that Krystal was paying for her regardless of what she ordered. She nods but seems content with her chicken caesar salad. I'm ready to stick my fork in my seafood fettuccine when Krystal shoves a bowl of shrimp towards me and Chloe, saying it's a gift and that no meal is complete without shrimp. I laugh in agreement, it was indeed my favorite food. Chloe thanks her and leaves it on the side, while I dump the contents into my pasta and dig in. The waiter comes back and asks if everything's alright, it is so we thank him.

"Anyways," Krystal says cutting into her filet mignon and offering us some of her mushrooms "what's more important, again?"

          I take some of her wild mushrooms and do the usual chewing and swallowing, then I lean into the table towards her. "I think I might be pregnant.." I whisper.

"Oh?" Her eyebrow raises and then she bursts into a fit of laughter, "It's probably nothing, sugar! Pregnancy scares are frequent for me... you're probably just partying too hard."

          I share a nervous laugh with Chloe, but falsely agree with Krystals logic anyways. We finish up and like I predicted, Krystal pays for our meals. We thank her and instead of taking a hug like a normal person, she says we can thank her by accompanying her to Beverly Center. We went... did we come, see and conquer? Perhaps. We get into my house and drop our bags by the door making a beeline for the couch. Though we left around one in the afternoon it was now nine at night. I yawn and she mimics the action because it is contagious... we manage to fall asleep though, with the thought of the pregnancy test pushed to the back of my priorities. 

Who do y'all picture Krystal to be? I wanna hear your opinions so comment if you're willing

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Who do y'all picture Krystal to be? I wanna hear your opinions so comment if you're willing...

I feel as if her face claim can be "atlantapitman" on insta! Also can y'all believe Chloe was too tired to pee on a stick and see if she was pregnant?

Somebody come get they girl LMAO!!

Thank you for reading!!!

Also my bad for not updating this nor editing "Vacation"... truth be told I've been playing Sims 4 LMAO.

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