day 5

86 11 5



Hey Vanessa,

The past two days haven't been better. Michael left us too...he left a note too. But, I don't know what it means. All it said was: I'm sorry, Ashton. Please forgive me.

I don't get it. Calum, Luke, and I discovered his body the day after I wrote the last letter. Calum told me I should visit him. He hurt himself really bad. The note was stapled into his wrist and his arms had a lot of vertical cuts on them. He was a lot more pale than usual and the pill bottle was in his other hand.

I didn't cry. I couldn't...Claum and Luke were crying and I just stood there. Why didn't I cry? He was one of my best mates. I can't believe he's gone.

I'm gonna go to bed. Michael's funeral is tomorrow. I love you.

Yours Forever,



MICHAEL NOOOooooOoOOoooOOO vote and share and comment and stuff byeeeeeeeeeeeee

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