Chapter 14

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We arrive at a beautiful restaurant with fairy lights on the front sitting area. Patty pays the Uber driver.

"Wow." I breath as Patty runs around and opens my door. "Thank you." I smile taking his hand.

We start to walk toward the restaurant when the horn honks from the Uber. We turn.

"Don't have to much fun." The man winks with chuckle.

"We'll try." Patty laughs wrapping his arm around my waist making me blush. We walk into the restaurant and up to the podium with a lady in her mid 40 standing behind it.

"Mister Walters." Patty says.

She smiles and looks down at her book. Without a word she takes two menus and walks out to a back porch. We walk past other people awkwardly.

When we sit at our table for two I look around our scenery. Stone walls, fairy lights, and the boy I love sitting in front of me. Patty looks up to meet my gaze and smiles. I smile back.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" I ask in a hushed voice.

He hums. Pondering my obviously answerable questions. "I think, that I recall, a girl, about our height, with the same attire, and the same beautiful smile, telling me she loved me. But, I don't believe it was you, so no I don't recall."

I grin. "You are so mischievous."

"But that's what you love about me." He smiles.

"Excuse me." A quiet voice squeaks. We look over and a red headed girl stands waiting. "Can I get what you'd like to drink?" She asks.

"Water please." I answer.

"Water." Patty echoes.

"Okay. I'll be back with two waters." She smiles.

We sit waiting. Discussing what we will order to eat. Patty orders something vegetarian and I decide to try it with him. I don't speak Italian so I can't tell you what it was, but it was amazing!

Patty pays and tips the waitress.

"Thank you." I whisper. Taking his hand.

"For what?" He smiles looking at me in the eyes.

"For this fancy dinner. For not being as stubborn as I am and apologizing first. For being adorable. For loving me and all my flaws. For being you. For loving me. For being my boyfriend." I say squeezing his hand. Patty smiles and spins me around as we walk down the stone streets of Genoa.

We walk to a fountain in the middle of block. I look down into the fountain and see all the shiny coins. I pull a quarter out of my purse and hold it between my thumb and pointer finger.

I kiss the coin before flipping Into the fountain. I watch the metal slowly sink to the bottom of the cement fountain. I feel eyes on me and look up. Patty's eyes stare down at me with a smirk.

"What?" I ask.

"You. Your so passionate about everything you do. That's why I love you." He smiles. I don't care about PDA at the moment and slowly lean in. Before our lips meet there is the sound of a crying child and Patty jumps a little.

We look down and clung to his leg is a small around 6'ish year old girl with blond ringlets, and ragged clothes.

"Woah." Patty breaths. Patty pulls the little girl off his legs and picks her up. "What's wrong sweety? are you lost?" he coos.

This little girl looks at Patty, her pupils dilate and she stars to cry again. I slowly take her from his arms and sit her on the side of the fountain.

The boys nextdoor (a Patty Walters Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now