Viktor x reader

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You had always loved skating, and your favourite skater was by far Viktor Nikiveroff. After much begging you had convinced your boyfriend to bring you to the Grand Prix Final, you were so exited you were bouncing in your seat; effectively annoying your boyfriend "will you stop that, we'll leave if you can't behave!" His raised voice caught the attention of other. You sat quietly with your head down.
You couldn't concentrate from than on, your head was down for most the performances as your mind filled with negative thoughts. But once viktor was up, your complete attention was on him, every step sequence, jump, twirl; Everything, he had captivated your complete attention. Once he finished your boyfriend decided to speak again "this isn't even a fucking sport, it's so gay!" You looked around at the people near you to see them annoyed; you mouthed an "im sorry" than turned around and put your head down again, really ashamed and embarrassed ready to let negative thoughts consume your very being.
After that you hadn't looked up, you hear viktor had won, and you had wanted to take pictures; matter of fact every part of your body screamed to do it. But you were so mentally weak and depressed you couldn't  even lift your head. This continued until you heard "hey pretty girl with her head down" you presumed it wasn't you until " with the vibrant (h/c)" you looked up still not expecting it to be you but to see who was calling the girl. There you saw viktor Nikiveroff staring at you with a smile; you pointed to yourself and he nodded "what's your name?" You smiled at little "(name) (last name) I'm 25 and love skating" he smiled brightly at you and threw a rose, to which you blushed "t-thanks" but before anything more could be said; your boyfriend grabbed your arm and harshly pulled you away.
As you now stood outside your boyfriend was fuming "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FLIRTING WITH SOME GAY ASS SKATER RIGHT INFRONT OF ME, THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" "no I wasn-" you boyfriend cut you off with a punch right to the face; you sat on the pavement with your hand to your cheek, this was a regular occurrence and judging by the punch, you were in serious trouble. You got up as he continued to shout "YOUR GONNA HAVE SOME SERIOUS THINKING AND SUCKING UP TO DO" by this he meant your gonna have to do those disgusting sexual things that he forces on you. Again you decided speaking would be smart "but I don't wanna" and just like before he raised his fist; you closed your eyes in anticipation. But it never happened, when you opened your eyes, there stood viktor; an angered look on his face and your boyfriend's fist in hand "your really shouldn't hit ladies" he than let go of your boyfriend and punched him "let's go ms (l/n)" he grabbed your hand and dragged you to his limo.

Viktor POV

As soon as I saw her I knew something was up, the way she looked down as the man with her seemed to look happy about it. It was disgusting.
But after seeing her boyfriend drag her out; I knew something was up, seeing her on the ground holding her cheek, it seriously annoyed me.
As we were driving I put my hand on hers "it'll be okay he can't hurt you anymore" she only nodded her head still down.
Once we reached my hotel she silently followed me to my hotel room "excuse me. ms (l/n) but do you think it's smart to follow a stranger to his room, how do you know I won't do something?" She nodded silently than began walking away muttering something I just about caught "not that it matters what happens to me, he's already done it all without consent" she turned around looking me in the eyes with a sad smile, I now knew why she had her head down; her eyes were puffy and tears were freshly on her face. this made my blood run cold 'what a monster' but before I could redeem what I said she was gone.
It'd been a couple hours and i decided to check out the hotels roof view, and there sitting on the ledge I saw (y/n) her legs swung forwards and back and she held something in her hand.
I got closer and saw she hat cut her arms with a blade in her hand. Tears were streaming down her cheeks; she was mumbling to herself "he's gonna kill me when I get home" "wait I could beat him to it" "STUPID VIKTOR, don't save me than throw me away like trash" "I don't actually blame him...I am trash" she was shaking rocking back and forth pushing herself to a new limit of depression. I couldn't believe I contributed to this sadness, I couldn't imagine how her family felt seeing this as their child.
I ran to her grabbing her from behind and pulling her in to safety. She thrashed in my grip screaming and sobbing "NO DONT, DONT SAVE ME PLEASE DONT SAVE ME" I couldn't believe it, 'she must be so broken right now "shhh (y/n) it's okay" she stopped moving and muttered "vindictive bastard" I chuckled "I deserve that".

Your POV

You were now sitting on the floor with viktor. No one had spoke in a while "sorry" he muttered, you raised your eyebrow in confusion "for being so insensitive and thinking you could live your life fine if I just stopped that one thing, I shouldn't have" you nodded "ya, you kinda suck" his eyes widened obviously not expecting you to agree.
You sighed "don't get me wrong I'm a big fan and respect you a lot, but your an insensitive jerk if you thought that'd fix everything fucked up in my life" you than proceed to tell him that you were with your boyfriend because your parents died and left you alone, a loving family took you in but they were poor and needed money, so you dated a nice rich guy until; he stopped being nice and started abusing you. But you didn't tell your family because he kept your family financially stable.
Once you finished viktor took your hand and spoke again "I have an idea, be my girlfriend." You blushed furiously "your very strong and tough to go through such a situation and not only will that help you survive my fans but, I think I just fell in love with you and I think you may already have a crush on me" you blushed even more.

3rd persons POV

(Name) was blushing so much before she spoke "b-but my boyfriend-" viktor cut her off "is now me, I can mind your family and I will never hurt you." (name) blushed before thinking it over, she turned to viktor; than kissed him on the cheek running to the stairs saying "ID LOVE TO BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND" he chuckled as he ran after hurt mumbling "I definitely love her".

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