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"Next glitter. I promise."
"'s a little too late for that."
I said from between my arms. Eunhaye, for the umpteenth time, pulled at them so that my head could come off of my desk. But I wasn't budging. Today was a day of downers and that included a poli-sci quiz coming up soon. Eunhaye sat back and sighed. I didn't have to peek to see her look down at her phone while twirling her ginger bright hair. She had recently cut it short so now she boasted a cozy home wifey kind of look to me. I didn't tell her that though. While Eunhaye may look chubby and round and gentle, she's anything but. Thanks to her strict parents, she's endured a grueling 12 years of taekwondo. Meaning she's a black belt, black-striped tiger 🐯 just a waiting to be unleashed. Well, she doesn't like going all Jackie Chan, so I try my best not to give her incentive to.
However, her skills came in plenty during our early years of DJing at venues. Sometimes guys would get the wrong idea about a girl being weak at a party and well, they learned their lesson now. Also, when you got that good cash, some people just don't ask for it. They clash for it, so Eunhaye here lays a whooping on it. Under the cover of my arms, I smile. Eunhay's been with me since last year, when I first started doing these gigs. I appreciated her help in trying to cheer me up. took everything away.
Everything...except my walkie-talkie. I thought an extra old one would come in handy. Well, YunJin, my neighbor and fellow lookout, thought it would. Yunjin is the tech savvy guy in the group. Yes, I know how to work a timetable but he knows how to make one. I'm talking that kind of tech savvy. If it wasn't for him I would've been busted like seriously busted before the DJ career even took off. Shame he wasn't here. Homie gets homeschooled with all these fancy private tutors. This is due to his parents having connections. They weren't rich enough to get their own house however. Oh well, a smart son means the whole world to Korean parents. So what does an underground DJ daughter mean to a single dad?
Probably nothing.
I sigh 😔 again for the hundredth time.
"Let's face it Eunhaye. This time, the operation's been blown for real. No going back now."
"What?!" Her palm slams into my desk. I jerk away from those lethal weapons.
"Don't tell me that Chacha and the beats are done, huh? Is that what you're telling me? We are breaking new venues wide open left and right so don't tell me that!"
I blink and hold up my hands.
"I'm just saying. Dad knows, Eunhaye, he knows! The other times he almost came close but this time he really does know. About me. About us."
Her face fell, but then she shoved it dead into my face.
"I don't care if the president himself knows. We gotta do this! Think  of the whole reason why we started in the first place, Chacha. Why you started!"
I roll my eyes.
"I'm not going down memo-"
"7th grade. Music room 203B. In a world where reality is wrong..."
I stare at her hard.
"Dreams are for real. So what should we do?"
She looks at me. I stare back.
"What should w-"
"Follow them. Make them real." I reply softly.
"See? You said that."
"No...Tupac did." I correct.
She rolls her eyes.
"Yeah, well, you did say something about becoming the next Tupac. Or was it seo Taiji? Or maybe it was Drake-"
"Alright, Alright, I get it." I brush away her hand.
"Now that's more the sassy Cha I know. Remember, we started this together and we finish this together. Now I ain't finished. How about you?"

I whistled. That Southern satoori only shows up when she's uber serious, which she is.

"No, I'm not done yet." I looked out the window across the bustling cityscape. Soon, I'd be out there too among the young adults. But would I be shuffling for a lame office job? Or throwing down with the legends of music in bars and nightclubs alike? I knew the answer to that question. I turned towards Eunhaye.

"Dad's gonna have to rip out this heart if he wants to stop me, 'cause I got music in my veins." I then look down at my hands to flex them. 

"My veins."

"Atta girl." Eunhaye slaps my shoulder. Not gently neither.

The loud slap doesn't go unnoticed. Seonsangnim Lee clears his throat.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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