Part 8: Gunja revealed

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One day Nurse Krisma fall sick and could not come to the hospital. Another nurse named Chinmana toke over the duty of Krisma. Chinmana looked at history file of Gunja. She started from the beginning. She went on over the whole story. She could not stop. It was written in the history form. It was the same story that she read in a book recently. End of the story written in the history form and the end of the story in the book she read was same. She was surprised. Chinmana was confused. She contacted nurse Krishma about file and confirmed that it was the story explained by Gunja. A story in the book ends when Gunja falls from a hill and her lovely puppy also follows the path. The story told by Gunja is also at that stage. But the admission report says that Gunja cane with car accident to hospital not by falling from the hills.

Chinmana encouraged Gunja to recall the further story. But there was nothing. Gunja said that there was nothing coming. Story stopped.

Chinmana explained to Dr Anarki about the book. They guessed that Gunja must have read that book. It was not possible because Book was published after she was admitted to hospital.

Chinmana contacted the publisher. She knew that story was found in a roadside by one of the their staff and published by them without editing. Chinmaa continued her duty with Gunja and started to solve the problem. Gunja was able to read. Chinmana provided book to Gunja. Gunja went through the book slowly and slowly. She felt that she is writing not reading. At the end she knew that she is Ninja not Gunja. Gunja was the character of her story. After an accident when she becomes unconscious and come out of the unconscious, she entered into the character of her story and forgot everything. In the story she was being Gunja. She was really feeling like Gunja and taking the story further. She put all story she was interesting about jungle life. Publisher provided all credit to Ninja and shared part of the profit from selling of the Book. That became best selling book in the world.

End of the story

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