* Christmas Day ~ present No 12 *

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I will keep you warm when the world is cold.

Mitch gets the present and opens it. "Clothes", he screams excitedly and Scott laughs. In the present are a matching hat, scarf and gloves. They were in a matching red. "Even though the paper said you will keep me warm", Mitch jokes. "Yes, but this is for the times I sadly can't be with you"

"Then I hope I am never going to need them", Mitch says throwing them away. "Why?", Scott says worriedly, "Do you not like them?"
"No, they are really beautiful, but I never want to be away from you. So, when I only can wear them when I am without you I would rather not wear them."

"Oh, that's sweet, thank you. But you could also give me some help with keeping you warm with wearing this, too."
"Okay, if it helps you I will always wear them", Mitch jokes and runs over to the place he threw the gift at and puts everything on.

Scott starts laughing at his action and Mitch soon joins. After laughing for some time Mitch removes the pieces of clothing again, because it is way too warm, and goes to get the next paper.

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