Confrontion Part 1

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~In the afterlife~

Atem (Yami) walked up to the gaurd training area. He walks up to the guards that are training by sparring.

Atem (Yami): Excuse me, have you seen Shadi today?

Guard: I think I saw him going to his home.

Atem (Yami): Okay, thanks.

Atem (Yami) heads to his place. As he knocks on the door, it starts to swing open. Atem takes a step into the room searching for Shadi.

 Atem (Yami): Are you home, Shadi?

There was no answer Atem (Yami) // I wonder where he is. It seems that he is not here. Maybe he went to talk to the gods maybe i should go check the bedroom just to be sure.//

He heads toward the bedroom and knocks on the door.

 Atem (Yami): Are you in here Shadi?

Atem (Yami) opens the door and notice that he is not there. //I guess he did go talk to the gods. Maybe I should look around the room for clues.//

Atem (Yami): //Whats that in the corner?//

Atem (Yami) notices a piece of paper on the corner of the floor. He walks up to the piece of paper at the corner of the room and examines it.

 Atem(Yami): //This isn't what I am looking for maybe I should go to talk to gods.//

 Atem (Yami) leaves and head to talk to the guard in front of the gods' palace.

Atem (Yami): Is Shadi talking with the gods? I need to speak with both of them.

Guard: The gods are there talking with Shadi. What buisness do you have with them?

Atem (Yami): I have a matter I must speak with them about right now.

Guard: Well, if its that important then go ahead.

 Atem (Yami) goes inside and heads to Shadi and the gods.

Shadi: Doing this will cause....

Atem (Yami) storms in the room.

Atem (Yami): I'm sorry for interupting, but I must speak to you all about a urgent matter.

Shadi: I was discussing a matter I am facing myself.

God1: Atem (Yami) speak about your issue.

Shadi: We shall continue our conversation later then.

Shadi starts heading to the door

 Atem (Yami): Wait, I want you to hear this too. This involves you as well.

Shadi heads back to Atem (Yami).

God2: I'm intrigued to see what you have to tell us.

 Atem (Yami): Back on earth, I sense a dark force has awoken to threaten both worlds. A dark presence that we have never felt before. I wish to return there to help fight against this force.

God3: We understand how you feel. We have that same feeling but you don't want to take drastic action. Shadi has also been informing us about what's occurring down on earth.

Atem (Yami): Shadi told you what's going on.

God1: Yes, he has and it seems that this force has not shown it's true intentions yet.

Atem (Yami): I see, but still I like to go down to earth to help before things get any worse.

Shadi: Listen, there is no way to go back to earth. I already told you that

Atem (Yami): You did, but then I went to the library to see if I could find away, but I found a page missing.

Shadi: What do you mean a page is missing. Which book did someone do this too?

Atem (Yami): The book called The Universe Pathway has a page missing.

Shadi looked shocked, and he thought //that's the book I took the page from so that he wouldn't be able to find away back//

 Atem (Yami): Why do you look so shocked Shad?

Shadi: I'm just surprised that you know about the book. It's a book that not many people know about. Also why wasn't it locked up like it should be.

 Atem (Yami): Why should it be locked up for?

Shadi: Because, it's a book that no one w as suppose to find. It has information that should stay hidden to protect people. We can't have humans disturbing our way of life.

Atem(Yami): I understand that, but it's not wrong for someone who just wants to read the book so that they can understand our ways.

Shadi: Ok, I can understand the curiosity of wanting to know about our ways but you can't ruin our society.

Atem(Yami): Ok, but I really wanted to read the whole book but their was a page missing. Do you know anything about it?

Shadi: Uhuh......I don't know anything about the page missing in the book. It was there when I was reading it two days ago.

Atem(Yami): I bet you do know something and you are keeping something from me knowing about something.

Shadi: *Rolled his eyes* I know nothing so please don't accuse me of something that I didn't do.

Atem (Yami): I am not accusing you of anything I was just asking a question.

Shadi: Oh ha.... sorry for assuming I have to go.

Shadi walks off leaving a confused Atem (Yami) watch shadi walk off thinking that //he's knows something and he's hiding something//.

Atem(Yami) turns to the gods to see if they could help.

Atem (Yami): I think he's hiding something.

God 1: I think so as well.

God 2: Most definitely.

God 3: I wonder what it is.

Atem(Yami): I think he took the page from the book and is hiding it so that I won't find it.

God 1: Your probably right, we have to look into it as well

Atem (Yami): So, will you guys help me? I am really worried about what is happening down on earth.

God 1,2,3: So are we.

God 1: If shadi is hiding something we will find out together

Atem(Yami): Thanks I go and do more search on this to see if I can find anything that he might be hiding.

God 1: So will we.

Author note

Sorry for the really late up date we have been really busy. We will try to update sooner. Please let us know what you think please comment and vote. We will see you in confrontation part 2.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2019 ⏰

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