The Bad Boys

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"Look over there, what are they doing" said Jade. I look at them and was confused at what they were doing. So Jade and I start walking away thinking why are they so unusual. We walked to class and they were still talking, I really want know but I can't. We get into class and they are 15 minutes late, what can you do in 15 minutes, the question I hope will soon be answered. We are in class and they are all separate and I am suspecting something is going on because they always are near each other. "Why do they look so suspicious??" I whisper to Jade.

"Maybe they are planning something secret and have made it look not obvious." Replied Jade. I look at her in confusion and was about to question her thinking process, but I didn't want to get slapped or hurt so I left it at that and nodded. As the class goes on I scan the room and look to see what is going on and they are doing there work no talking. I look down at all the boys legs, Bailey, Jacob and Jarrod. I see a medium sized object sitting on each of their legs and I see their left hand occasionally go down and start typing.

"Jade they are definitely doing something, look at there legs" I whisper to her. She looks from the corner if her eye and notices it. Jade turns to me and high fives me, but it was so loud that the whole class stopped and looked at us. The teacher asked us to explain why we did and we said " we finished our work yay!! (Note sarcasm)".

Five minutes to the bell and we are ready to run and talk to them and ask them what is going on. We start counting down 3........2.......1....... RUN!! We spring off our chairs and run up to them and say " so what have you guys been talking about??" Jacob replies with, " and why do we have to tell you weirdos". In shock Jade and I stop and look at each in such confusion.

After that weird moment Jade and I run and catch up to them. We tap Jarrod in the shoulder and say " why are you ignoring us, WHY!!". He said " Stop snooping in other peoples business before we start doing it to you freaks". Then that all say " now leave us alone!!!". "No never!!." We shout back. Jacob and Jarrod looked at Bailey and signalled him to yell at me and Jade he couldn't do it and all he did was punch Jade and ignored me. They all ran off and Jade looked at me and said "do you think Bailey likes you??." I said "nah who would." And we both laughed and continued with our day.

As we can to Pe Prac the boys were now staring directly at us and we smiling and chuckling. For a second we thought it was our faces and we realised they were saying stuff. In aggravation Jade storms off towards them and they all start backing off except for Jacob who is standing strong. She screams in his face " why do you hate us what did we ever do?!?!?". He replied with " it's amusing watching you get frustrated it makes us laugh hahahahah!!".

Jade came back in disgust and explain to me what he said and we both looked at them in anger and they smiled. She looked at me and I whispered "laugh, laugh at them". We did so and we laugh insanely until they came over and said "why are you doing that?? Why would you even laugh at us". We said "cause it's fun!" And we walked off feeling proud if our achievement. Jade and I wetness off and played some sport but then we saw those rascals start sneaking into the bushes behind the broken down classroom. Interested we followed then very slowly, but very close never losing sight. We come to an opening and see something that was such a surprise.....

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