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(Y/n) then brings his face back into his knees as he tells the woman.
(Y/n):"I'm fine."
The woman just replies to this by saying.
???:"The tears in your eyes tell a different story. Why are you out here alone? Where are your parents?"
At this point the woman has knelt down in front of (y/n) with her hood pulled down. (Y/n) tenses up and says in response to her question a little choked up. While also nuzzling his head deeper into his knees.
(Y/n):"I um I don't have any parents."
The woman just says in realization.
???:"Your an orphan."
As she says this she realizes the child is shaking as he is crying uncontrollably. He finally tells her through his tears.
(Y/n):"Just leave me here, I don't wanna go back there, please."
The woman notices how sad and alone this child feels. Thus she sits in silence trying to figure out what to do, the only thing that was heard was (y/n) squalling. (Y/n) thinks that due to the silence the woman had left but, much to his surprise he felt a pair of soft hands grab both of his removing them from their intertwined state. This causes him to look up to see that this woman now has a warm smile before she says.
???:"I've got an idea, how about you come home with me?"
(Y/n) looks at her in disbelief as tears begin to fill his eyes again before he asks.
(Y/n):"R..re...really? You'd adopt me?"
The woman just nods yes and this causes (y/n) to jump up and hug her. Which she gladly returns before she pulls back from the hug and asks.
???:"Well what's your name?
(Y/n) wipes his eyes from tears as he tells her.
(Y/n):"My name is (y/n). What's your name?"
Summer:"My name is Summer but you can call me mom."
(Y/n) now has a giant smile on his face as he looks at Summer and says.
(Y/n):"Thank you, so much."
Summer:"Your welcome. I still need to get a few things before we head home."
(Y/n) just grabs his mother's hand and says.
(Y/n):"Ok mom."
This causes Summer to look down at him with that same warm smile that feels (y/n)'s chest with a warm feeling. (Y/n) and Summer go to a few stores to get groceries and a few sets of clothes for (y/n) to wear. After they had done all the things they needed to inside of Vale, they walked to where (y/n) would presume is his new home. They were now before the door and Summer had her hands full so she knocked in hopes to get someone to answer and help her. She then felt (y/n) tug the bottom of her cloak which causes Summer to look at (y/n) as he says.
(Y/n):"I'm a little nervous."
Summer:"Don't be, its gonna be okay I promise."
As she finishes telling (y/n) this the door opens to show a man with blonde hair and blue eyes, who says.
???:"Oh Summer let me help you with that."
The man then takes some of the bags Summer had and while doing this surprisingly to Summer he didn't notice (y/n). This caused her to turn around to see him hiding behind her. She just takes his hand and heads inside. This time the man notices (y/n), which prompts him to ask Summer.
???:"Summer who is that?"
Summer puts (y/n) in front of her as she answers the mans question with.
Summer:"This is (y/n) and he is now our son Tai."
(Y/n) is waiting for Tai to respond negatively to him as every other adult has but, just like with Summer he surprises him by saying with a smile.
Tai:"Well, welcome to our family (y/n)."
(Y/n):"Thank you."
There is then a girls voice that comes from behind (y/n) and it says.
???:"Daddy who's that?"
(Y/n) turns to see a two girls one with blonde hair and purple eyes who looks the same age as him. The other looks like an exact copy of Summer that looks younger than (y/n). Summer then tells the girls.
Summer:"Yang, Ruby this is your brother (y/n). (Y/n) these are your sisters Ruby and Yang."
Yang and Ruby's eyes seem to get brighter as they say.
Ruby and Yang simultaneously:"Cool."
(Y/n) just smiles as Yang and Ruby seems very excited to the fact that they now have a brother. (Y/n) is for once feeling accepted, which makes him continue to smile. (Y/n) and his two sisters began to play together while his new parents were making dinner. After they all had eaten, which was best meal (y/n) ever had, they all sat in the living room and watched a movie. (Y/n) and Ruby were sitting on both sides of Summer and Yang was sitting beside Tai. None of the kids made it through the movie but both parents did. Tai took the two girls upstairs and Summer stayed downstairs and slept on the couch with (y/n). After a few hours (y/n) woke up like he had every night in that orphanage, when he opened his eyes he immediately closed them as he was terrified to think he'd open his eyes and be back in that place alone. He finally mustered the courage to open his eyes to see his head was laid in Summer's lap and she was asleep. This caused his eyes to tear up as he nuzzled himself further into her lap. He then thinks to himself before closing his eyes and falling back to sleep.
(Y/n) thoughts:"I finally have a family."

A/n: That's part 2 completed. I hope you all enjoyed and I hope to see you all in part 3. I would like to ask you guys would you rather Summer be alive or have it be like it was in the show where she died? I'd also like to say merry Christmas guys. Other than that I'll see you all next time, Peace!

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