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  I stood staring at the home I had known for the first twelve years of my life. Where I had grieved over my fathers dead body, watch my younger sister Suri be born, said my first words, written my own name in letters that I thought were wonderful as a baby taking its first look at its mother but really they were more like sticks being placed on the ground to form a message,  and I had been born myself I can still remember my mother's warm soft hand caressing my small puffy cheeks to wipe my tears away. My mother put her hand on my shoulder signaling it was time to go I cried to myself.  I opened the care door unable to speak for the time being I knew at some point we would have to leave. But why now? I guess said God its time for him to move on.  I could believe all of what was happening but it still felt like a part of had been torn out of my fragile porcelain heart that could break at any moment. Yet through all the sadness I found that there was some kind of serene atmosphere in the last few moments with my home my twin sister Magdalyn lay her head down in my lap her summer sky blue eyes met my purple gaze. Her silver hair was pulled up in a ponytail with a blue ribbon as an accessory, she wore a nave blue dress coming to here knees, white gloves with white floral lace around the end,  she like me was one of the only fair skin people that we knew of, she was a beautiful girl, she was an absolute genius her poetry was a gift from God himself, and as she closed her eyes I could see her long naturally curly eye lashes. 

She had already strapped on her her seatbelt I looked over on the other side of the back seat lay Suri, my younger sister lay asleep her brown eyes may have been closed but I knew the color, I could see her thin fiery red hair put up in pigtails with green ribbons on each tied in a bow I realized those must have been the green ribbons my father had tied around the small box that held my mother's engagement ring she used to describe unwrapping the ribbons. With an unexplainable extreme curiosity you see that was my dad's own trick you I know this because I posses it we have a psychic ability that allows to influence another's actions, thoughts, and words. But in the post apocalyptic world of 3017 this ability doesn't really do much for me yet.   

She, Suri had olive skin, she wore a little green dress coming to her knees, with black leggings underneath, and she was completely bare foot. My mother closed the car door then inserted the key in to a small slot starting the engine. She undid her gas mask I was so happy I had Ora the only protection against radiation possible for humans. As we drove off I could see some of my old friends homes. Most with boarded windows, closed off doors, a few roofs had some peaces missing, others still had Christmas lights out a couple of the were bulbs flickering, we went pass several worn away street signs with bullet holes blown through them, the roads were in worse  condition than the signs, some had barley a foundation left, and yet plants still grew in this barren wasteland. I wondered how could these flowers grow when radiation took up most of the air ? Lavender was the most dominate here in Oregon out of all of them. 

The true reason I wonder about lavender is because as a child my mother wished us to stay away from them. Then again my mother would panic when we tried to set a foot out the door she would snatch us by the collar and the chastise us for doing so. Sorry if that seems to have a lack of importance but to me  it means something more and it always will.  We came to the toll station near the bridge you would cross over to a canyon then drive through there to the business district.  My mother rolled down her window to hand the man her ID.  He was an elderly  man I assumed to be in his late seventies, he was sporting a crossing guard uniform, and along with that he wore some mildly rusted glasses made of real silver.  He wished us good luck with a bright smile my mother thanked him with a silent nod in return. 

The end of chapter 1 

Magdalyn's Journal 

I feel as if I'm being watched from some where around me you see Kh'ym(main character) thinks. I don't know you're there but I do he sees you as a part of our world so he speaks directly to you. But I know your from another world not mine something about your world isn't the same  but since our worlds some how are connected I would like to speak to you through writing. While we can are time I assume is limited after all. Any way I learned somethings about you today you dear reader. 

If you chose the song at the top I assume you are an I fan of IB or just like the sound of it if you don't know what IB is look it up a gameplay if your world still has internet mine doesn't anymore but they are working on that. 

If you chose the middle you love Undertale or your familiar with this drawing.

And finally the last you just enjoy the sound of rain or you know the song. 

Oh if you didn't like any here is one of my favorites. Its by Porter Robinson is called Goodbye to a World this music box version was made by Yealt. 

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