Chapter 2

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He reached in his pocket to pull out a rusted key with a gold tint to it. He slid it in a small slot then turned the key. The small gate rose my mother waved bye. The man's expression was grim yet there was a sliver hope in his eyes. I looked above seeing the bridge with a the same structure as the Golden Gate, the paint was peeling off, the cables were on the verge of snapping, there were massive holes in the concrete, and bird were nesting in the holes on the sides where the bridge had been beat so hard it made a hole big enough to let small species live inside. 

Magdalyn was enraptured by the gaint mass of liquid below us. Then I saw a a pile of broken vehicles is that what why that man was so worried. They were covered in claw marks. I heard a low roar then the bridge stared shaking in a side to side motion. I connected the dots. A creature came out of nowhere with massive green eyes, I could see some car parts and humans limbs lodged in its jaw, it looked like a female angler fish, and it had crawled the left side of the bridge.

I yelled "Mom step on it now!" she didn't move an inch. My heart started pounding so loud I could hear it in my ears. She was paralyzed. Suri woke up finally her eyes full of confusion. Till she saw it's eyes  she began to her eyes rushed towards mom once she saw mom. Her big puppy dog brown eyes filled with tears, she curled up in a ball, and she grabbed her teddy bear from the floor board. 

Suri wailed "We're all going to die,". She was so small and helpless unable to process what was going on. So instead of being optimistic she felt reality grip tug at her strings. 

Magdalyn cried out "God help us I would like to live past twelve!" me too. As soon as she said that a odd motivation was activated. It was all I needed.

Magdalyn P.O.V 

Kh'ym eyes began to glow. 

He lowered mom's seat without a word he told me what to do. I did my best pull my mom from her seat in to the backs he pushed as I saw it nearing slowly it was enjoying this . I pulled as hard as I could Kh'ym was surprised and so was I.  It was almost as if I could feel some one else helping me pull. Kh'ym straitened the seat back up he took the car out of park and we speed off. 

Where did he learn to drive?

Kh'ym P.O.V. 

The few things I could guess about that thing  we're.

1. It belonged in water.

2. It enjoyed watching it's prey struggle.

3. It's size may have been intimidating but it was as slow molasses. 

I wondered where was the best place to stop for gas. I could here Suri breathing voliently, my mom chest was rising falling, and Magdalyn had crawled up front.

She turned toward to me she asked "Kh'ym do you ever feel like something or someone is missing?". 

I made a face in response "What is that supposed to mean?". She faced me and shrugged and said "Just thought I would ask,"

The end of chapter 2

Magdalyn's Journal 

Dear You,

It's good to write to you, how was your day? Tell me in the comment section. Any way sorry about that if that question freaked you out. I just started thinking about existence and what it means. Never mind it's not important.


Good day/night 

Yours truly,

Magdalyn June Hearth

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2018 ⏰

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