Chapter Four

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Alexandria's PoV

"Well how lovely," I said happily. "It's not everyday I get someone who wants to thank me for the death of a loved one." Now this was just beginning to get interesting.

"I like this girl," Maxwell chuckled as Timothy glared at him. Looks like these two are siblings and they do look alike a lot.

I flipped my hair before saying, "What's not to like?" I even turned around like the drunk, crazy girl I am at the moment. I am even surprised that I still have balance after finishing four bottles by myself.

"So how do you guys plan on thanking me?" I asked wanting to see where this conversation would lead to.

"We'll give you anything you want, just name it," Jackson said, a smirk on his face and his silver eyes shining. Looks like they really take me for a fool or just think I can't think properly after having one too many drinks.

Letting out a sigh, I twirled a few strands of my hair. "Well I have everything that I could possibly want which means, you guys aren't getting any thing in return from me." I smiled at them all before turning around to walk away.

I didn't even get very far when I was being roughly pulled back. Their hands tightly squeezing my arm which could possibly leave a mark.

"You're a smart girl and they said blondes are dumb," Jackson chuckled as the other two laughed. "Well it was your choice on whether you wanted something or not, but either way you owe us."

Now this had me curious as to why they wanted me. I doubt they knew who my family was but then again might know. If they did know who they are, then they probably know they wouldn't be getting any money out of anyone of my parents or siblings.

"You see, you are like a very valuable gem. One girl like you has somehow managed to wrap two gang leaders around your fingers and lucky for us, we don't like either of them."

Now that makes sense as to why they are here. If they're referring to Zian and Antonio, then they are very well mistaken. I haven't seen or spoken to Antonio in years and Zian has changed.

"Oh, should have said this in the beginning. Well then let's go over to you guy's place," I said happily as I began to tug at my arm, trying to pull Jackson with me.

"Is she suddenly ill or something because I have never met someone who is actually wanting to be kidnapped," Timothy said, his eyes watching me like a hawk filled with suspicion.

They planned on kidnapping me but that wasn't a big deal. This would just be the third time that it has happened to me. I'm beginning to think I'm a very special girl.

"Well if you're here to kidnap me, let's get it over with!" I shouted as my last bottle which still had some rum left, fell crashing to the ground. I let out a groan since that was my last bit.

"Don't worry about that darling," Jackson chuckled. "Since you're so cooperative, we'll simply come to you when the time is right."

Yelling out an okay, I began walking away. They seemed like the type of guys who did excellent background research on others, which is something I never did.

I liked everything to be a mystery about my victim because it makes things all the more fun. That way, everything will be unexpected and will just go with the flow.

They didn't try to stop me but I could hear their voices slowly fading away. Now since this wonderful event has just taken place, I think my mind is more relaxed than ever.

Since they don't like either Antonio or Zian, they could probably be working with another gang or are gang leaders. Thinking about this made me sigh, because I have had enough with gangs.

I sometimes do work for gangs but that is strictly business. Any other thing gang related that might tangle up in my personal life was a big no for me.

Rubbing my hands over my face, I then realised that they were still covered in blood but a brilliant idea popped up in my mind. Why not play the victim game.

Getting out my knife, I began ripping up my clothes and rubbing the blood all over them. I shook my head around wildly so that my hair was now all tangled up and very messy looking.

Satisfied with my look, I continued jogging up the road looking for the perfect spot to be in. It had to have a clear view so that the driver could easily spot me from a distance.

After some time and a few vehicles passing me by, I finally found the right spot. Going in the middle of the road, I lay down and put my legs and arms in an uncomfortable looking position.

I remained like that for quite some time but no vehicles seemed to be passing again. Convincing myself to wait just a little bit more, I finally saw some lights approaching before a car stopped.

A short, chubby little woman came rushing out the car with concern written all over her face. She came towards me as her eyes scanned over my body.

"Miss? Can you speak?" She said, as her hands were probably searching for her phone in her pockets. "Hold on a second, I will just go get my phone from my car."

"Please help me," I croaked out, my voice sounding a bit hoarse. "It hurts terribly."

She quickly came back to me and stooped down. "What happened to you? Where does it hurt? Did someone hurt you?" She was asking so many questions that I just wanted to scream shut up.

I put on a pained expression as I slowly shifted my fingers. "It hurts so fucking bad," I groaned. "But where it hurts the most is," I paused as she waited for me to continue.

"Is right here!" With that being said, I quickly removed my knife from under me and stabbed her in the back.

Looks like this is going to be a long night.

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