little jimin want to play too!

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"Hyung do you want to play video game with me?"jungkook ask taehyung which currently is playing with jimin.

"Ok" Taehyung got up and leave jimin alone on the couch.

Jimin pout. It always like this. He will play with one of his hyung and then suddenly they go play some 'big boy' game without him.

In the end,jimin will go to his mother crying and saying that his brother don't love him anymore.

"Mom,where is jimin?"jungkook ask.
"*sigh*if you want to play with him please don't leave him alone and told him you want to play some 'big boy' games."jin said. He is worried that this thing will continue until jimin is older.

"Why?did something happen to jimin"namjoon say.he barely at home when the kid is playing but he still the head of the family.

"Jimin thought that you all don't love him anymore because you always leave him alone. You know that he is a baby and need a LOT of attention."jin said.

Jungkook feel guilty after hearing that from his mother. He never thought that jimin will think like that. He want to make jimin happy by playing with jimin but he end up hurting jimin by leaving him alone.

"Mom,where is jimin?I want to say sorry to him"jungkook said.

"He is sleeping"jin said

"Can I sleep with him tonight?I want to make up with him."jungkook said

"Of course and you better tell your brother what happen so that they will not do the same." Namjoon said.

Jungkook go straight to jimin room and saw jimin sleeping on the bed. Jungkook lay down next to jimin and creased jimin hair.

Jimin woke up and stare at his brother.

"Hyung sorry.hyung don't know that you think that way. Hyung  want to play with you and other Hyung too. Next time,we will play together ok?"

"Hyung don't hate me?"

"No...Hyung don't hate you. Hyung love you. Other Hyung too."jungkook kiss jimin forehead and tell jimin to go to sleep.

Next day,jin saw something that make him smile widely. He saw taehyung and hoseok playing video games with jimin and jungkook in back,shouting.

Jungkook already told his brother and after that they take turn  to kiss jimin.

Jin feel namjoon back hugging him." I told you everything gonna be alright." Namjoon whisper to jin.
"Yeah,you right"

A/N-sorry that I take a lot of time to update. I was planning to update yesterday but I got writer block in the middle of writing this😣.Sorry for grammar and bye!

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