Some basics.

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Hello everyone,

So there are some basic things I wanted you guys to know before I start this book. I was inspired to do something like this after watching the series, 13 Reasons why. This book is not something about a girl who attempts suicide and leaves tapes for everyone before her death. No, definitely not.

This book maybe something about someone who fails. Who fails but never gives up. This will be a little about failure, a little about how life works, a little about how you should never give up, a little about family, a little about friendship, and a more than a little about love.

Just remember, love is not all about a boy and girl doing endless crazy things in their teenage. It's more.
It's definitely more than just that.

This is a real story. A real story of an Indian girl. But I'll be changing the names and posting for some privacy reason.

Strong heart.

Stay you. Stay beautiful. -Joey Kidney. (You tuber and a good human.)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2017 ⏰

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