The man at the cafe

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You woke into your favorite cafe for like the 100th time. The air smells welcoming like hot coffee and pastries. You go to the counter to order the usual. Plain coffee, no cream or sugar just how you like it. You think back to when your sister would make fun of you for never like flavored coffee. You giggle to yourself but not too much where people can hear. You also order a cinnamon role with glaze, warm and sweat, again how you like it. You sit down and take out your journal from your bag. You start to draw the people around you. Quick little sketches afraid they would leave before you could finish.
You keep your head down as you wrote but you notice a movement in front of you, shuffling. You look up and see a man. With a tan coat and a beautiful face. You slowly lift up your head more. He greets himself and says that he sees you here all the time, but yet you never see him. You continue to speak to him, and him the same to you. What feels like minutes turns into an hour.
"I must go" He says looking at his watch and getting up. You stop him and ask for his number. He smiles and pulls a silver pen from his pocket and writes it down on a napkin.
He rushes out of the cafe. You smile to your self and sit back in the chair. Your mind dazed and free as it starts to rain. You open your journal back up and by memory, sketch details of his face, just Incase you were to never see him again.

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