Chapter 2

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The next hour was spent with the two girls watching and engaging in Christmas Karaoke with both Camila's parents' and friends. They laughed together as they observed the adults make fools of themselves and joked along. The night got a little easier for Lauren when she discovered Sinu's "special" eggnog and would often sneak out of the den to take gulp-fulls for courage. It allowed her to get closer to Camila without feeling as though she was compromising her head-bitch-at-school image.

By the time she was asked to participate in the karaoke, she didn't necessarily feel drunk, per say, but giddy in a nervous, excited way. The raven-haired happily sang Christmas Wrapping with one of Cabello's friends and was really starting to enjoy herself; loosen up, despite her embarrassment. Although she kept her hand over her face as she blushed and sang as she swayed, her smiling eyes were on the brunette who beamed right back at Lauren as she clapped along with everyone else.

As the night wore off and Camila's parents started pulling out blankets, pillows, the blow-up mattress, pull out couches, and set up the spare bedroom, Lauren's energy level was bouncing around the walls. The raven-haired felt as though she were on a sugar high; anxious for the end of the night to end but terrified at the same time. It must have been the "special" eggnog because she was really enjoying Camila's company. Lauren couldn't help but laugh the whole time during their duet of Jingle Bell Rock and loved the fact that the brunette knew the Mean Girls dance routine. Casual touches, long glances, shy smiles—Sinu sure knew how to make eggnog!

Lauren watched Camila sing The Christmas Song with a guest and stared at the brunette in awe; they were going to have sex! "She has a beautiful voice, doesn't she?" Lauren didn't know the man's name but nodded at him before returning her stare to Camila.

"You should hear her sing O Holy Night, it's...magnificent." Lauren breathed out as Camila finished up her latest number. The man beside Lauren smiled at how cute the pair was together before he spoke up.

"Camila! I think we have a request for O Holy Night." The man inclined his head towards Lauren before giving the brunette a smile, getting Camila to nod slowly. The brunette found the song on the karaoke list and gripped her microphone tightly with the realization she was singing this for Lauren. The raven-haired had been acting somewhat strangely all evening after their discussing in the living room; she was much more affectionate and she hardly had taken her eyes off Camila all evening. It was...pleasing to the brunette. It felt...nice. Really nice. If all it took to get Lauren Jauregui to like her was a simple back massage, it was an easy price to pay.

All throughout her performance, she kept her gaze fixed on Lauren. She was shocked with the expressions that crossed the raven-haired's face; Lauren was definitely tearing up. Camila was delighted that her voice had moved Lauren so much.

Just like earlier that day, the song had propelled feelings and emotions within Lauren right to the surface until she felt raw. Mixed with their discussion, the raven-haired's excitement doubled until she was close to just yanking Camila by the arm and pulling her upstairs. But she'd wait; she didn't want to seem too eager.

With the last goodnights and hugs echoing around the house, Lauren snuck off towards the kitchen for one more cup of Sinu's "special" eggnog—which she gulped down in one swallow. She met Camila in the living room and the pair silently made the journey up to the brunette's room. The whole way, Lauren's heart was racing, almost like it was trying to escape from its cage, and she tried to take deep breathes to calm her nerves. It was no use.

"So...would you still like your massage?" Camila asked shyly, her arms behind her back as she stood next to her bed. Lauren licked her lips and nodded, not trusting her words. The brunette gestured towards her bed. "Make yourself comfortable." She told the raven-haired with a warm smile, excited that she'd be the one Lauren would trust to touch her.

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