Until We Meet Again (KTH)

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Min Y/n is "your name".
There r different POVs so I will lyk when the POV changes. Sad one shot so don't be mad at me if u cry.
Thx and enjoy!

3rd person POV~

Y/n was a normal high school student at Reagan High School. She was a junior. When this strange boy came and transfered from South Korea, things became hard for Y/n.

Y/n POV~

The kid that transfered here was so weird. Ever since he came to Reagan I would always feel eyes staring at me in the hallways. We have the same class which is dance. Whenever we go he always tries to stop me and talk to me but I never let him. I don't know why I do that but I just do. I'm rude sometimes but only to certain people like Kim Taehyung. Every time I go to dance class I always run into him. One day I went to dance class and we were suppose to do a dance where u have to dance with a partner (Kinda like ballroom or like a sexy hip hop dance). Mr Song(teacher) let the students choose there partner and me and another person was the only people left. That person was.........."MY OPPA!" My older brother chose to be in this class bc he's really bad at dancing(he says). He always would try his hardest but never succeeded so he chose to go to dance class. My brothers name is Min Yoongi. He seems really rude and selfish on the outside but on the inside he is very soft and kind. I ran to him and hugged him. I haven't seen him in forever bc he traveled abroad for a year in South Korea to peruse his dream of music. He came back to finish high school then after that he is going back to South Korea. He is a Senior and I don't want him to leave. I hug my oppa and he hugs me back. I get my sense back and by the time I figure out that I hugged him for a long time people were staring at us while I had tear stains on my cheeks.

Yoongi oppa cleaned off my tears and said,"Annyeong dongsaeng."❤️

"Annyeong oppa! I missed u so much!!! Did u have fun traveling abroad?!"

When I said that I could feel eyes staring at me deadly and so I turned around bc Yoongi was staring at the person as well. The person was Kim Taehyung. He was staring at me with anger in his eyes.  Something made me feel strong and confident so I finally took the courage to tell Kim Taehyung a piece of my mind. As I saw that Taehyung walked outside in the hallway I followed him with angry foot steps.

"YAH KIM TAEHYUNG! What do u want from me?! U r always staring at me all the time and it makes me feel uncomfortable. Did u know that?!"

"Yeah I stare at u bc I'm mad at u! Ever since the first day of school u ignored me. Even if I tried to come up to u and talk to u nicely U still didn't budge and now u budge now bc I was staring at u and ur boyfriend together in class?!"

I though in my head,"My boyfriend?! He thinks that Yoongi Oppa is my boyfriend?!"

Before I could even speak Taehyung grabbed both of my hands and put them above my head.


Tears were staring to fall down my face as he let go of my now reddish wrists.

I fell to the floor and cried. I heard the music in the dance studio playing. I got up.

I made a saddened face and turned around to walk away. But before u could even take 3 steps Kim Taehyung grabbed ur hand and took u into his embrace.

"Y/n I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that to u. This is my fault."

I didn't hear anything he said bc I was in shock that Kim Taehyung was hugging me.

I pushed him away and said,"I don't even care anymore. Go to class."

He did as I said and went inside dance studio.

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