lemon 1 part 1

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KC's p.o.v
I got up early in the morning ready to eat breakfast . ~ time skip~  I was watching my little horsies when i got bored. Me and zane had been hanging out for the past month secretly. *Calls Zane*
Kc: hey zane~kun how are you doing
Zane: good just sick im making a poster board what about you?
Kc: I'm bored
Zane: well everyone is out you can come here if you want
Kc:sure I'll be right over
*the call ends*
I went to Zane~kun's house and knocked on the door he opened while he was rubbing his head. I was in short shorts and a crop top he was in sweatpants and a white shirt with his mask on of course. He smiled at me and let me in he closed the door and went back to to his posterboard. "Zane~kun can i tell you something?"
"Yeah what is it?"
"You look... C-c-cute.."
"Kc I-I-I don't l-like you like t-that..."
"N-N-NOO-NOO not like- i don't kn-ow h-how to say it!!"
Garroth walked downstairs hearing the whole conversation
"I'm sorry i was going to get a cookie"
~time skip~
Kc was sitting in zane's bed watching my little horsies with him
"Umm zane~kun I need to use the bathroom"
"Okay go ahead"
Kawaii~Chan went inside the bathroom she pulled down her short shorts and her wet panties
"AAGH i want him so bad!!"
Kawaii~Chan heard a knock on the door
"You almost done i need to use the bathroom"
"Sorry Zane~kun come in" she forgot she had her panties down she hurried to pull them up but didn't have enough time for her short shorts
"Ummm I'm sorry you told me to walk in"
"Sorry so sorry"
Is he seeing me wet? What was i thinking? Im so stupid. Kc kept thinking different things.
"Kc why are your panties wet?"
"Nyaaa!! Your not supposed to look!"
"Sorry I cant stop staring at you"
His mask started sliping down which he didn't notice
"Zane~kun your blushing... And your freckles... Their so CUTE"
"Umm n-n-nothing"
She started to pull up ber shorts as he took off his mask
"What are you doing Zane~kun?"
"Y-y-you think their cute so I-I'm taking it off" he said quietly
She walked back to zane's room blushing in fear
Why am I so stupid
" your not stupid" he said
"Your beautiful and smart"

Ooo cliffhanger sorry im just tired I'll update later byee!

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