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They took us. We don't know why. They had five of us, thrown in a dark and damp room. We got to know each other pretty well. There was Darius and Morgan, both from Caifornia. There was Caressa. She was from Canada. There was Elijah, who refused to talk for a long while. They came and took him. We never saw him again. Then there was me, from the Northeastern United States. They experimented on us. Tried to make us better, faster, stronger. They tried to make us their pets. They failed.

[Dropship Inbound. 0200 hours]

"Get ready to move!" Darius shouted over the whine of the chopper's blades. I strapped on a parachute backpack, beginning to brace myself for the jump already. Jumping from the chopper was not my favorite part of missions, in fact, I had a fear of heights. But that isn't supposed to matter when you're part of the Factors.

"Jump!" yelled Darius. I ran to the open bay door of the chopper, and taking a breath, launched myself out of the chopper. 3 more silhouettes jumped out from above me. They quickly caught up to me, steadying themselves to my altitude.

"So, what's the plan?" Morgan asked me. I was the group's technical advisor, and therefore came up with most of our ideas.

"Well," I said, "We're currently speeding towards the ground at a high velocity. We activate our parachutes, and land on the roof. I'll fire an EMP blast and disable the silent alarms. Then we'll cut through the roof. We should come out in an air duct, so it'll either be very warm or very cold. Break into the vault, and recuse this other mutant."

The group nodded in approval. "Activate chutes now!" Darius commanded. His leather jacket and shaggy back hair were flapping in the wind. We pulled the strings, and began to deaccelerate. "Cam, your time is now!" said Darius. I nodded. Closing my eyes, I reached toward the building. My hand began to tingle, and a wave of invisible energy flew out of it. What they did to me, I have no idea, but somehow I can fire certain energy blasts out of my hands. The wave struck the building, and almost instantly, the lights in the building below us went out. We were now flying blind. The only ones who could see were Caressa and I. I had designed special glasses that enhanced vision, and gave the user night vision and infrared, among other things. My glasses looked like 3-D glasses, and Caressa had painted hers black. "Right up!" I shouted, and watched the rest of the Factors straighten feet-first. We hit the roof softly. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. My EMP blast had worked.

Darius analyzed the roof, and ran over to our weak point. "Over here." I walked over and pointed both of my index fingers at it. Brilliant white light shot out of them, and I began to cut a hole in the roof. We dropped down into a heating duct. "Ah, it had to be heat!" Caressa said. Wearing her maroon sweater, she must have been sweating like crazy. I was starting to get hot myself. I always wear a gray suit, and it's on of the things that makes me, me. Darius and Morgan had it fine. Darius had shrugged off his leather jacket, revealing his blue t-shirt underneath. Morgan was wearing a shirt with the arms hanging by straps, and her shorts were shorter than I would've though possible. After a few minutes of crawling, Darius announced that we were above out destination. I cut through the duct, and peered through the hole. "Yep, this is him alright." We were above a large, transparent container. It looked like glass, but these scientists were much smarter than that. The container was made out of transparisteel, a clear, yet almost impeneterable material, that even Darius' strength couldn't shatter, and my lasers couldn't pierce. Darius peered at the container. "I can't tell what he looks like."

A scientist approached the container and it exploded in blinding light.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2014 ⏰

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