the end

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That was all high school drama. Now, I'm 18 and I'm college. I don't worry about drama or boyfriends anymore, I worry about school. I'm out of that phase.

Today, Finn Wolfhard and Millie Bobby Brown are stars in a brand new hit TV show called "Stranger Than This."

It's a great show that I'm actually obsessed with, it's actually good. Surprising.

Finn and Millie bonded only because of one thing, their love of acting.

But, I'm not upset, I'm pretty glad. Finn found his true love. Why be upset about that?

I have a boyfriend that actually is in the show, his name is Noah.

He's very sweet, and fills me in on the scoop with Finn. We are engaged and will be getting married next year.

Finn and Millie are the new celebrity couple. But I'm rather happy for Finn.

October 16th: Hey journal. I'm thinking about Finn again. But it's ok, when am I not thinking about him. Haha. I miss him though, it's ok, I got Noah.


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