Trust(Edited On 26 August 2021)

483 9 2

Friday. 15 December 2017


Ever since school closed for the year Capricorn has been bord out of his mind. Both his parents work which means he's home alone. He just watches TV all day and that gets boring so today he decided to go out to the park. He messaged Taurus asking him to meet there.
Since Capricorn doesn't live far from the park he had to wait for Taurus to get there.

"I bet his bringing scoripo with him" Capricorn said out loud.

While he was just staring in to space he felt a sting at the back of his neck he suddenly felt dizzy and his vision started to go blurry.

Taurus turned the corner and saw Capricorn being dragged in to a van he immediately turned to Scorpio

"Capricorn is being kidnapped" he said while shaking her.

"Relax that's probably not him" before she could finish Taurus was already running after the van "This isn't gonna end well" she muttered to herself before running after him.

Eventually Taurus got tired and collapsed to the ground scoripo finally court up with him after a few minutes.

"Taurus are you ok?"

"He's gone"said Taurus with tears in his eyes.

Another van then stopped next to them, a man rolled down the window and looked over at the two.

"Get in"


Cancer was on her computer finishing up a story for a contest she entered, everything was going fine until she felt the need to look behind her when she turned around she saw a man trying to get in through the window she threw a book at him and ran down the stairs and to the front door she could hair the man's footsteps getting closer she quickly opened the door and ran outside when she got to the street a van pulled up next to her the back doors flew opened

"Join the party"

Aires grabbed cancer and pulled her in to the van 


The man driving put his foot down and the van took off

"Our timeing's great isn't it" siad Gemini

"Cancer are you alright" asked Libra

"I'm fine thanks....who's the guy in the front"

"It's me" said Taurus

"No not you"

"I'm a girl" said scoripo "Just joking he doesn't want to tell us who he is"

"I'll tell you when we get there"


Gemini jumps up next to cancer"to our death"

The man stops at the stop sign and turns around "Relax guys I'm not going to eat you you'll be fine once we get there"

"You know I would appreciate it if you'd tell us where there is" said virgo

Scoripo turns around"I already asked he said we'll know when we get there"

Pisces lays flat with his arms out  "wake me up when we get there"

Gemini pulls then pulls out a marker and tries drawing on his face "let's have some fun"

Virgo grabs the marker "do you want to go out this window" she says pointing at the window.

"No I want that one" Gemini points at the other window.

"you said something"

"No nothing"

30 minutes later they arrive at a small house next to a lake the van pulls up to the driveway and stops in front of the house everyone gets out and goes inside.

"Okay there's 10 of us including me there's a few rooms up stairs so some of us will have to sleep down here"

"Wait" Aires grabs the man's shoulder

"Don't touch me"

"Who are you you said you'll tell us when we get here" said Aquarius

"Fine my name is Orion I'm your only hope of survival you just need to trust me"



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