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🙈 Kayla 🙈

He went in between my legs and then..his mom burst through the door.

"Kayla it's ti--"

I quickly scrambled off the bed and retrieved my heels. While Romero sat up looking pissed.

"Really Mero? No podías esperar hasta después de tu primera cita?" (You couldn't wait til after the first date?)

He rolled his eyes, and scoffed, "¿La has visto ?...solo quería probarla" (Have you seen her?...I just wanted a taste)

"¿Me estás tomando el pelo? Estoy rezando por ti hijo", his mom said walking away. (Are you kidding me? I'm praying for you son)

I blushed looking down.

"Well that wasn't embarrassing",  I said sarcastically.

He smirked looking at me," Se solo...", biting his bottom lip.

"Huh", I asked, feeling the heat reach my core.

"Nothing, come on", he said getting up.

"Hey!..can I get my panties back?"

"Nah, I think I'll keep it", he said leaving the room.

Walking up to my parents, I felt kinda sad to leave. I guess it shown on my face, because my parents looked at me worried.

"Honey are you okay?", my dad asked.

"Yea..I'm fine", I assured him.

While my parents were saying their goodbyes to Romero's parents, he walked up to me.

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Mmm...does sleepin in all day count?", I ask grinning.

He chuckled.

"As fun as that sounds, I have something better planned for us"

"Oh really?....are you askin me out?", I asked shockingly.

He smiled showing his dimples.

"Yes...I am"

I smiled.

"I'd love to go out with you"

"It's not like you had a choice", he muttered.

I rolled my eyes hitting him playfully.

We both laughed.

Then I heard a honk, looking up to see my parents already in the car, waiting for me.

"Looks like someone was distracted", he whispered in my ear.

I gasped, running to the car, but not before hearing him mutter "that ass".

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