Two decisions regarding BLP

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Hey Friends,

How are you all? Hope you are enjoying the journey that is called BLP. I apologize for the slow pace of updates, but my real life is extremely demanding right now and I rather take my time and update something I am satisfied with than just post for the sake of posting. Hope you all understand. Thank you all for staying with me all this while. Means everything, because if not for you, then for whom will I write this story? Your wait won't be very long either for I have always said this story will wrap up in around 25 chapters, give or take a few, and we just had the 20th one up last week.

Anywho, coming to the point of this post (which is quite random), I have made two decisions regarding BLP.  One, you might not like and I am still on the fence about so I'll leave it for another day, but the second is final.  

The epilogue of BLP will be available only to the readers who Follow me. If you don't want to do that, no issues. It will not in any way hamper your enjoyment of this story as I won't restrict any in-between chapters. But if you want to know what more happened in the life of these characters after everything reached its end, then you will have to press that pesky Follow button.

Have fun and keep pouring in the love :)


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