Chapter 3

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" I can't go to the party  ." I slammed my locker.

" And why not ?" Dinkle looks concern.

" Because my grandparents  are suppose to be coming for the holidays and --"

" Which one ?"

" Mom's and dad's." I sighs.

Dinkle cringed .

" Oh bloody hell on burnt toast !  " Dinkle bite his nails ." And your Father's father --"

" You mean my grandpa ?"

" Whatever the hell you call that man's name . I never forget what he said to me that time when I came for dinner ."

" You mean the part when called you a queer lunatic ? " I said flatly.

Dinkle plucks me  .

" Ow ! I mean --" I look at Dinkle up and down.

Fuck , Dinkle does look like he could be a queer .

I just realize Dinkle is wearing a fishnet neck to foot , a black crop top , rainbow bowtie , and black platform heels . I'm shocked Dinkle didn't wear suspenders today .

" Well ?" Dinkle crossed his arms .

"  You just look like Dinkle ." I said flatly.

He groans and then throws a cup of rainbow sprinkles at me.

" You were suppose to say , ' oh Dinkle you do not look like  a queer lunatic , you look like a human being !'" He complains.

"  Dude calm your tits , I didn't mean to hurt your feelings . " I apologized .

Dinkle looks me up and down . Suddenly , he smiles  grabbing my hand .

" Come on , I want to go to the mall ." he drags me out of the school building .


In the fitting room , Dinkle throws me some clothes  over the door.

" What's all this for ?" I asked.

" For the party tonight." Dinkle said cheerfully .

"  Uh dude ." I said as I exit out the room.
Dinkle marvel at my outfit . Stars sparkle in his eyes while his nose started pouring  out  blood.

" Oh my fucking gawd ! YOU . LOOK . FABULOUS ! " Dinkle shouts as he struck a pose.

I gotten attention from the people in the store and I saw their  hard gazes.

" You'll get attention from the girls including some dudes , I could also see your four pack forming ." Dinkle winks .

I blushed so hard that steam was blowing out my ears and nose.

" Shut up , you're bringing unwanted attention ." I told him.

I gotten winks and  special complements from women around the store.

" I don't know why you quit modeling , it was a fantastic  for you. " Dinkle goes on as he looks around for more outfits.

" Ok mom , I got it." I rolled my eyes.

Suddenly , I saw Marcus and Zeldalina walking into the store . I stiffened up as I hid .

" Andy , I got more stuff for you to try on ." Dinkle shouts.

Suddenly , a woman walks up to me. " Do you need any assistance ? " she smiles.

" Uh , no we're fine --"

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